Effect of copper nanoparticles on growth of calluses culture from immature embryos of Triticum aestivum L.

  • Yuliya V. Kirysiuk Brest State University named after A. S. Pushkin, boulevard Cosmonauts, 21, 224016, Brest, Republic of Belarus
  • Vadzim V. Demidchik Belarusian State University, Nezavisimosti avenue, 4, 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


Soil levels of metal-containing nanoparticles progressively increase. This is caused by development of nanotechnology and constantly increasing use of nanoparticles in new materials and products. Based on some estimates, the level of some metal-containing nanoparticles can reach 8–10 mg/l per kg of fresh soil in the USA and some other countries. Thus, it is important to evaluate the impact of metal-containing nanoparticles on plants, which are dominating group of organisms on our planet. Moreover the analysis of influence of metal-containing nanoparticles on growth rate and productivity of plants has a practical importance for agriculturists and ecologists. In this study, we tested the effect of copper nanoparticles added to growing medium on callus induction from immature embryos of Triticum aestivum L. This experimental system allows evaluating the nature of nanoparticle-induced changes in plant regenerative and  protective tissues. We have found that copper nanoparticles at concentrations above 100 mg/l inhibited formation of primary calluses and germination of immature wheat embryos. In the presence of copper nanoparticles (100 mg/l), callus growth rate and the doubling time of callus biomass decreased twice. Copper bulk particles, which were used in control tests, induced less pronounced inhibition of callus growth. Obtained data demonstrated that copper nanoparticles are toxic for higher plants affecting development of regenerative and protective tissues.

Author Biographies

Yuliya V. Kirysiuk, Brest State University named after A. S. Pushkin, boulevard Cosmonauts, 21, 224016, Brest, Republic of Belarus

lecturer at the department of zoology and genetics, faculty of biology.

Vadzim V. Demidchik, Belarusian State University, Nezavisimosti avenue, 4, 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

doctor of science (biology), docent; head of the department of plant cell biology and bioengineering, faculty of biology.


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Keywords: copper nanoparticles, wheat, immature embryos, callus
Supporting Agencies This study was carried out as a part of projects «Determination of the role of programmed cell death in wheat root response to copper nanoparticles» (2016–2018), state registration number 20163145 (supervisor – Y. V. Kirisiuk), and «Establishing signalling role of exogenous ascorbate in plant root cells» (2015–2017), state registration number 20151026 (supervisor – V. V. Demidchik), funded by Belarusian republican foundation for fundamental research. It was also supported by Belarusian ministry of education and State research program scheme «Conversion» (section «Connection»), grant title «Creation of green technologies for silver nanoparticle synthesis based on plant extracts and testing their biocide activity» (supervisor – V. V. Demidchik).
How to Cite
Kirysiuk, Y. V., & Demidchik, V. V. (2017). Effect of copper nanoparticles on growth of calluses culture from immature embryos of Triticum aestivum L. Experimental Biology and Biotechnology, 1, 23-30. Retrieved from https://journals.bsu.by/index.php/biology/article/view/2424