Golden jackal (Canis aureus L., 1758) – a new species in the theriofauna of Belarus

  • Vasilij V. Grichik Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus
  • Vadzim V. Prakapchuk National Park «Belovezhskaya Pushcha», agro-town Kamenyuki 225063, district Kamenets, Brest region, Belarus
  • Alexandra E. Grebenchuk Scientific and Practical Center, State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus, 25 Filimonava Street, Minsk 220114, Belarus
  • Alina A. Rabtsava State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus, 43 Kal’varijskaja Street, Minsk 220073, Belarus
  • Iosif S. Tsybovsky Scientific and Practical Center, State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus, 25 Filimonava Street, Minsk 220114, Belarus


Continuing in Europe, the settlement of the golden jackal (Canis aureus) over the last decade has covered the territory of the Republic of Belarus. The article has 6 reliable facts this species registration in 2011–2018 in the southern and south-western parts of the country, north to the line Kobrin – Soligorsk – Bobruisk. In 2 cases, the animals were spotted visually or by voice, in the remaining 4 – shot by hunters. Species identification of the three individuals are confirmed by photographs and molecular-genetic studies, the skull and skin are collected from the other one. The photos and measurements of the skull (from an adult male) are presented, the phenotype features of adults in the autumn-winter period and biotopes in which these animals are encountered are briefly discussed. Most of the meetings are timed to semi-open meliorated territories with shrub thickets and ameliorative canals.

Author Biographies

Vasilij V. Grichik, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

doctor of science (biology), full professor; head of the department of general ecology and methods of biology teachning, faculty of biology

Vadzim V. Prakapchuk, National Park «Belovezhskaya Pushcha», agro-town Kamenyuki 225063, district Kamenets, Brest region, Belarus


Alexandra E. Grebenchuk, Scientific and Practical Center, State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus, 25 Filimonava Street, Minsk 220114, Belarus

junior researcher at the scientific laboratory of molecular biological research

Alina A. Rabtsava, State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus, 43 Kal’varijskaja Street, Minsk 220073, Belarus

chief at the sector of research and accounting of objects of animal origin, state forensic expert

Iosif S. Tsybovsky, Scientific and Practical Center, State Forensic Examination Committee of the Republic of Belarus, 25 Filimonava Street, Minsk 220114, Belarus

scientific secretary


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Keywords: golden jackal Canis aureus, resettlement in Europe, theriofauna of Belarus
How to Cite
Grichik, V. V., Prakapchuk, V. V., Grebenchuk, A. E., Rabtsava, A. A., & Tsybovsky, I. S. (2019). Golden jackal (Canis aureus L., 1758) – a new species in the theriofauna of Belarus. Experimental Biology and Biotechnology, 3, 55-61. Retrieved from