Revision of the lichen genus Bryoria in Belarus. II. Bryoria implexa s. l

  • Andrei H. Tsurykau Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, 104 Savieckaja Street, Gomiel 246028, Belarus
  • Vladimir V. Golubkov Independent researcher, Grodna, Belarus
  • Pavel N. Bely Central Botanical Garden, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2v Surganava Street, Minsk 220012, Belarus
  • Iryna M. Bolsun Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, 104 Savieckaja Street, Gomiel 246028, Belarus


A revision using thin-layer chromatography of the available herbarium material of the lichen genus Bryoria collected on the territory of Belarus in 1924 –2018 was carried out. Noted that the B. implexa s. l. group is represented by species B. capillaris, B. implexa s. str., B. kuemmerleana and B. vrangiana. The article provides morphological description of the species B. implexa s. str., B. kuemmerleana and B. vrangiana. Their chemical composition, ecology and data on distribution within the republic are indicated. Species B. kuemmerleana and B. vrangiana are reported for the first time for the territory of Belarus.

Author Biographies

Andrei H. Tsurykau, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, 104 Savieckaja Street, Gomiel 246028, Belarus

doctor of science (biology), docent; professor at the department of botany and plant physiology, faculty of biology

Vladimir V. Golubkov, Independent researcher, Grodna, Belarus

PhD (biology), docent; independent researcher

Pavel N. Bely, Central Botanical Garden, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 2v Surganava Street, Minsk 220012, Belarus

PhD (biology); scientific secretary

Iryna M. Bolsun, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, 104 Savieckaja Street, Gomiel 246028, Belarus

student at the faculty of biology


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Keywords: biodiversity, distribution, ecology, secondary metabolites, Implexae section
Supporting Agencies We warmly thank PhD (biology) I. N. Urbanavichene (Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences) for the valuable suggestions.
How to Cite
Tsurykau, A. H., Golubkov, V. V., Bely, P. N., & Bolsun, I. M. (2023). Revision of the lichen genus Bryoria in Belarus. II. Bryoria implexa s. l. Experimental Biology and Biotechnology, 2, 65-80. Retrieved from