Arthropod phytophages complexes on the territory of the republican landscape reserve «Ozery» (Grodno Region, Belarus)

  • Aleksandra V. Rhyzhaya Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, 22 Azheshka Street, Grodna 230023, Belarus
  • Katsiaryna I. Hliakouskaya Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, 22 Azheshka Street, Grodna 230023, Belarus


The state and functioning of native and invasive species of phytophages communities that damage trees and shrubs in specially protected natural areas of the Grodno-Predpolessky region were established. In the field season of 2021, representatives of 2 classes of arthropods have been identified on the territory of the republican landscape reserve «Ozery» – the class Arachnida and the class Insecta Ectognatha. In total, 85 species of phytophages from 54 genera, 19 families and 6 orders (Prostigmata, Coleoptera, Diptera, Hemiptera, Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera) were found. The largest number of species (29 species, or 34 % of their total number) belongs to the order Lepidoptera. The vast majority of registered arthropod phytophages (18 species from 14 genera, 9 families and 4 orders) use English oak (Quercus robur L., 1753) as a food plant. In total, 11 invasive species was noted in the surveyed sample plots. The largest number of invasive phytophages is trophically associated with black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L., 1753). The data obtained to identify threats from the introduction of invasive species into native communities can be used.

Author Biographies

Aleksandra V. Rhyzhaya, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, 22 Azheshka Street, Grodna 230023, Belarus

PhD (biology), docent; associate professor at the department of zoology and physiology of human and animals, faculty of biology and ecology

Katsiaryna I. Hliakouskaya, Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, 22 Azheshka Street, Grodna 230023, Belarus

PhD (biology); associate professor at the department of zoology and physiology of human and animals, faculty of biology and ecology


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Keywords: arthropod phytophages, taxonomic structure, trophic specialisation, invasive species, trees and shrubs, Grodno-Predpolessky region, specially protected natural areas
Supporting Agencies This work is based on the results of studies, which were carried out as part of the complex task «Problems of biological invasions and parasitic threats in natural and anthropogenically transformed ecosystems» of the state programme of scientific research «Natural resources and the environment» for 2021–2025. The authors thank doctor of science (biology) O. V. Sozinov for the help in the identification of plants.
How to Cite
Rhyzhaya, A. V., & Hliakouskaya, K. I. (2023). Arthropod phytophages complexes on the territory of the republican landscape reserve «Ozery» (Grodno Region, Belarus). Experimental Biology and Biotechnology, 2, 81-90. Retrieved from