Comprehensive assessment of the diagnostic significance of determining serum cystatin C level in athletes of cyclic sports during the training process

  • Svetlana O. Gavrilova-Maksimchik Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Sports, 8 Narachanskaja Street, Minsk 220062, Belarus


This article presents the results of an analysis of the feasibility of inclusion of new biochemical markers in an in-depth medical examination of athletes and current biochemical control of the training process, obtained in the special preparatory period of the annual training cycle of 68 members of national teams of the Republic of Belarus. It has been established that intensive complex exposure to training loads in cyclic sports does not affect the content of cystatin C in the blood serum. This indicator can serve as an additional marker of pathology of kidney function and diseases of the cardiovascular system in professional athletes.

Author Biography

Svetlana O. Gavrilova-Maksimchik, Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Sports, 8 Narachanskaja Street, Minsk 220062, Belarus

researcher at the laboratory of biochemistry



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Keywords: adaptation, cystatin C, cyclic sports, athletes, training process, biochemical markers
How to Cite
Gavrilova-Maksimchik, S. O. (2024). Comprehensive assessment of the diagnostic significance of determining serum cystatin C level in athletes of cyclic sports during the training process. Experimental Biology and Biotechnology, 1, 19-26. Retrieved from
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