New species of pycnidial Septoria-like micromycetes for Belarus

  • Ilya А. Fiadziushka Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus


The findings of 14 new species of pycnidial Septoria-like micromycetes to the territory of Belarus are reported (12 species of which belong to the genus Septoria, 1 species belongs to the genus Rhabdospora, 1 species – to the genus Stagonospora). The identified species are provided descriptions and illustrations. The species Septoria heterochroa is considered alien to the mycobiota of Belarus.

Author Biography

Ilya А. Fiadziushka, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

assistant at the department of botany, faculty of biology


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Keywords: fungi, pycnidial Septoria-like micromycetes, Herbarium of the Belarusian State University, MSKU, Septoria, Rhabdospora, Stagonospora, native component of the mycobiota, alien component of the mycobiota, Belarus
Supporting Agencies This work was carried out within the framework of the state programme of scientific research «Natural resources and environment» (subprogramme «Biodiversity, bioresources, ecology», assignment 10.2.02 «Problems of biological invasions and parasitic threats in natural and anthropogenically transformed ecosystems», research work «Invasive phytopathogenic fungi, fungi-like organisms and invertebrate animals on cultivated and closely related wild plants: status in communities, distribution, diagnostics» (state registration No. 20211704)). The author expresses gratitude to the associate professors at the department of botany, faculty of biology, Belarusian State University, PhD (biology) A. K. Khramtsov, PhD (agricultural sciences) V. D. Poliksenova and PhD (biology) V. N. Tikhomirov for valuable comments and recommendations during the preparation of the article.
How to Cite
FiadziushkaI. А. (2024). New species of pycnidial Septoria-like micromycetes for Belarus. Experimental Biology and Biotechnology, 2, 72-87. Retrieved from