«Experimental Biology and Biotechnology» is founded by the Belarusian State University in 1969 (until 2017, as «Vestnik BGU. Seriya 2, Khimiya. Biologiya. Geografiya»; from 2017 to 2021, as «Journal of the Belarusian State University. Biology»). The journal has been keeping the position of the country’s leading academic journal on basic theoretical and applied problems of biology and biomedicine. The journal includes original scientific articles and reviews in the field of biology; chronicles of conferences, reviews and book reviews of monographs, textbooks and tutorials, as well as anniversary articles about the famous scientists in the field of biology. The articles cover problems of physiology, cell biology, genetics, molecular biology, microbiology, biotechnology, biochemistry, experimental zoology and botany, ecology, taxonomy and other. The journal reflects activity of scientists from leading institutions and other research establishments that work in the field of biological theory and methodology; problems of teaching disciplines of biological profile.

Editor-in-chief is Vadim V. Demidchik, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, doctor of science (biology), full professor (Minsk, Belarus).

The journal conducts a double-blind peer-review of received manuscripts.

Periodicity – 3 issues per year (February, June, October).

The journal is directed towards wide range of specialists in biology and biomedicine including researchers, professors, lecturers, postgraduate students, master’s degree students and students.

Publication in the journal is free of charge for all authors.

Languages – Russian, Belarusian and English.

The journal is included in the list of the leading periodicals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Republic of Belarus for publishing doctoral research results in the field of biological sciences. The journal is included in Russian citation databases such as Elibrary.ru.

The journal is included in the Subscription Catalogue of the Republic of Belarus: the sub-scription indices are 00336 (for individuals) and 003362 (for institutions).