The use of SCoT markers for evaluation of the genetic variability of Russian fescue and festulolium varieties

  • Yulian M. Mavlyutov Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production & Agroecology, Scientific campus, 1 building, Lobnya 141055, Moscow Region, Russia
  • Valentina L. Korovina Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production & Agroecology, Scientific campus, 1 building, Lobnya 141055, Moscow Region, Russia
  • Irina A. Klimenko Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production & Agroecology, Scientific campus, 1 building, Lobnya 141055, Moscow Region, Russia


Forage gramineous grasses are the most important component of the hay lands and pasture agroecosystems. To increase the efficiency of grass breeding the complex evaluation of the initial plant material is necessary, including an application of the current DNA technologies. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of SCoT markers for PCR-analysis of interspecies and intervarietal genetic variations of Russian fescue (Festuca) and festulolium (× Festulolium F. Aschers. et Graebn.) varieties. Total 13 samples, combined 30 seedlings per variety were genotyped with 25 SCoT markers, indicated as informative for gramineous grasses according to literature sources. The high efficiency of SCoT marking technique as a tool for DNA polymorphism revealing was found for Russian fescue and festulolium species and varieties. The obtained results can be used at the varieties identification and genetic certification as well as for selection the parental forms for the breeding process.

Author Biographies

Yulian M. Mavlyutov, Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production & Agroecology, Scientific campus, 1 building, Lobnya 141055, Moscow Region, Russia

researcher at the laboratory of molecular and genetic research of forage crops

Valentina L. Korovina, Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production & Agroecology, Scientific campus, 1 building, Lobnya 141055, Moscow Region, Russia

senior researcher at the laboratory of gene pool

Irina A. Klimenko, Federal Williams Research Center of Forage Production & Agroecology, Scientific campus, 1 building, Lobnya 141055, Moscow Region, Russia

PhD (agricultural sciences); senior researcher and head of the laboratory of molecular and genetic research of forage crops.


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Keywords: fescue, festulolium, genetic diversity, SCoT markers, DNA polymorphism, genotyping
Supporting Agencies This work was financially supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation according to the state assignment for the project 0442-2019-0001АААА-А19-119122590053-0
How to Cite
Mavlyutov, Y. M., Korovina, V. L., & Klimenko, I. A. (2022). The use of SCoT markers for evaluation of the genetic variability of Russian fescue and festulolium varieties. Experimental Biology and Biotechnology, 3, 53-63.
Genetics and Molecular Biology