Aleh I. Rodzkin – Doctor in Biology, Associate Professor; director of International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus).
E-mail: direktor@iseu.by
Scientific interests: environmental manangent, product life cycle assessment, renewable energy, bioenergetics, ecology of agricultural production.
Germenchuk Maria Grigoryevna – PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor; Deputy Director for Research of International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus). E-mail: pazniak@iseu.by
Scientific interests: Radiation monitoring of the environment.
Lozinskaya O.V. – senior lecturer at the department of general biology; Belarusian State University, International Sakharov Environmental Institute, Minsk, Belarus.
E-mail: aromia@rambler.ru
Batyan Anatoly – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; head of the Department of Environmental Medicine and Radiobiology of International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University Minsk, Belarus).
E-mail: ant_b@tut.by
Scientific interests: effect of laser radiation on the human body, development of methods to prevent the influence of negative environmental factors on organs and tissues, reduction of risks of development of various diseases, radiobiology, anthropology.
Hermenchuk Maria – Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor; State Scientific and Technical Institution «Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety» of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus).
E-mail: margermen@gmail.com
Scientific interests: radiation environmental monitoring.
Golubev Alexander– Doctor of Biological Sciences, associate professor; professor of the Department of Human Biology and Ecology of International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus).
E-mail: hbe@iseu.by
Scientific interests: radiobiology, population ecology, ecological bioenergetics and aquaculture of aquatic invertebrates, methods for assessing natural and anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems.
Golovaty Sergey – Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor; head of the Department of Environmental Monitoring and Management of International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus).
E-mail: sscience@yandex.ru
Scientific interests: soil and plant research methods, land monitoring, radioecology, chemical land degradation, agricultural ecology.
Grichik Vasily – Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor; head of the Department of General Ecology and Methods of Teaching Biology of Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus).
E-mail: gritshik@mail.ru
Scientific interests: population ecology of terrestrial vertebrates, biology and ways of conservation of rare and endangered species of birds and some mammals, ecological optimization of reference landscapes of Belarus.
Dardynskaya Iryna – Doctor of Sciences, professor; director of World Health Center «Great Lakes», co-director of Fogarty Program of Illinois University (Chicago, USA).
Scientific interests: anthropoecology and public health, ecological-epidemiological and hormonal-biochemical influence of thyroid gland diseases on the development of breast cancer.
Zafranskaya Maryna – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, head of the Department of Immunology and Environmental Epidemiology of International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus).
E-mail: kaf_immunol@iseu.by
Scientific interests: clinical immunology, allergology.
Kilchevsky Alexander – Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus; chief scientific secretary of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus).
E-mail: a.kilchevsky@igc.bas-net.by
Scientific interests: biotechnology, genetics, plant breeding, ecological plant selection using biotechnology.
Korovin Yuriy – Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, professor; professor of the Department of General and Special Physics of Obninsk Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering - National Research Nuclear University (Obninsk, Russia).
E-mail: korovin@iate.obninsk.ru
Scientific interests: accelerating systems and plants based on the synthesis reaction for solving fueling problems, nuclear waste transmutation, fuel cycle formation, the formation of a fuel cycle protected against the unauthorized proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Lengfelder Edmund – Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor; Chairman of Otto Hug Radiological Institute for Health and Environment (Munchen, Germany).
E-mail: lengfelder@uni-muenchen.de
Scientific interests: radiobiology, endocrinology, thyroid hormone status.
Lyberatos Gerasimos – Doctor of Sciences, professor; professor of Athens Technical University (Athens, Greece).
E-mail: lyberatos@chemeng.ntua.gr
Scientific interests: biochemical engineering, environmental biotechnology, wastewater, municipal waste management.
Loginov Vladimir – Doctor of Geographical Sciences, professor, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus; chief researcher of the Institute of Nature Management of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus).
E-mail: nature@ecology.basnet.by
Scientific interests: diagnosis and forecast of climate change, spatio-temporal patterns of climate change and extreme climatic phenomena under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors, assessment of the effect of volcanic and anthropogenic aerosols on solar radiation and climate, scenarios of climate change in Belarus and consequences in various spheres of economic activity.
Medvedev Sergey – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor; Head of the Laboratory for the Synthesis of Technical Systems «Joint Institute for Informatics Problems» of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus (Minsk, Belarus).
E-mail: medv@newman.bas-net.by
Scientific interests: information technology, methods and means of synthesis and analysis of technical objects, algorithmization of design processes, modeling and preparation of design models.
Stepanov Stanislav – Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor; professor of the Chair of Humanities of the International Independent Ecological and Political University (Moscow, Russia).
E-mail: info@mnepu.ru
Scientific interests: environmental education for sustainable development.
Stozharov Alexander – Doctor of Biological Sciences, professor, professor of the Department of Radiation Medicine and Ecology of Belarusian State University (Minsk, Belarus).
Scientific interests: mechanisms of action of small doses of ionizing radiation on children's body, non-ionizing radiation, radiation safety, influence of environmental factors on the human body.
Tarutin Igor – Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor; chief researcher of the Department of Radiation and Complex Therapy of the «Center of Oncology and Medical Radiology of N.N.Aleksandrova» (Minsk, Belarus).
E-mail: itarutin@tut.by
Scientific interests: radiation therapy, dose fractionation regimes, splitting of the daily dose and a small "sensitizing" dose, quality control of gamma-therapeutic devices for remote radiation therapy, computerized systems of radiation planning.