Formation of a modern concept of technology park activities

  • Аndrew A. Kosovskiy Central Research and Design-Technological Institute of Organisation and Management Technology, 2/4 Partyzanski Avenue, Minsk 220033, Belarus


Among all modern types of innovation infrastructure entities, technology parks are of greatest scientific and practical interest. Currently, in different countries of the world, the understanding and, accordingly, the definition at the legislative level of the main tasks and functions of technology parks vary significantly. The article proposes a modern concept of a technology park, including the purpose of its operation, tasks and mechanisms for its implementation. It has been revealed that the integral effect for a technology park resident is a combination of the effects of the access provided to them to material resources, the resources of a university or scientific organisation, an innovation network and a cluster.

Author Biography

Аndrew A. Kosovskiy, Central Research and Design-Technological Institute of Organisation and Management Technology, 2/4 Partyzanski Avenue, Minsk 220033, Belarus

PhD (economics), docent; general director


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Keywords: scientific and technological park, concept, innovation network, cluster effect
How to Cite
KosovskiyА. A. (2024). Formation of a modern concept of technology park activities. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Economics, 1, 77-89. Retrieved from
O. Economic Development, Innovation, Technological Change, and Growth