Experience in typifying water conservation districts of the left-bank tributaries of the middle reaches of the Amur river
The paper presents the results of analysis of the morphometric and morphological structure of the water conservation districts of the left-bank tributaries of the middle reaches of the Amur river. The characteristic types of water conservation districts are distinguished: water conservation districts on the steep sides of river valleys; water conservation districts of flat bottoms of river valleys; water conservation districts on fragmentary near-river formations of the floodplain type of mountain and semi-mountain rivers; water conservation districts on bilateral marsh floodplains; water conservation districts on bilateral lake-old floodplains; water conservation districts on segment-grivny floodplains; water conservation districts on mane-island floodplains. It is shown that the formation and dynamics of water conservation districts in the
territory under consideration is determined by such factors as the types of watercourses and the direction of channel processes; the conditions for passage of the channel-forming water discharge, the duration and depth of flooding of the near-surface areas; lithology of floodplain-channel complexes and bottoms of river valleys.
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