Main aspects and perspectives of a new view on the geochemistry of the catchments of the right inflows of the Pripyat river

  • Daniil L. Tvaranovich-Seuruk Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus
  • Oleg V. Lukashev Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus


At present, a new view is needed on the assessment of the risks associated with the introduction of contaminants into alluvial deposits. The current socio-economic situation in neighboring countries increases the risks of environmental pollution. To assess potential geochemical risks and develop approaches for further study of catchment areas, the Pripyat river catchment is divided into catchments of small and medium-sized rivers which are affected by natural and man-made factors. In addition to analyzing the geochemical features of watercourse, old and floodplain alluvium, a comprehensive systemic comparison of
the geological structure of individual catchments with the entire basin as a whole from the crystalline basement to the present coverings was carried out. The scheme was constructed which visualizes: the revealed spatial regularities of the matter differentiation during the course of natural geological processes in catchments; the zonality of localization of potentially unfavorable phenomena; perspective areas for monitoring; the most favorable areas for conducting economic activities and living. The following monitoring directions in the catchment area was been identified: the sewage treatment plant condition controling on the catchment area; studing of ecological and geochemical changes in alluvium during changes in the national economy development in the period from 1990 to 2010; studing of the ways of the chemical elements bringing in and migration in the alluvium, formation technogeochemical anomalies in the present; study of the relationship between the weathering effects of the Ukrainian crystalline shield with the formation of cover deposits and the features of the occurrence of geochemical anomalies; selective control of the geochemical state of modern alluvium in populated areas located on the shallow crystalline basement; studing of the natural origin radionuclides bringing in alluvium from the uranium provinces of the Pripyat catchment area; controling of the geochemical state of the Styr and Goryn rivers modern alluvium; establishing of peculiarities of the flow of matter between catchments; systematic remote sensing of rivers catchments at transboundary transfer; studing of hydrogeological features of the territory of the Petrikov mining region.

Author Biographies

Daniil L. Tvaranovich-Seuruk, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

PhD (geography); associate professor at the department of engineering geology and geophysics, faculty of geography

Oleg V. Lukashev, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

PhD (geology and mineralogy), docent; associate professor at the engineering geology and geophysics department, faculty of geography


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Keywords: alluvium, catchment area, geochemistry, substance differentiation, monitoring, technogenesis
How to Cite
Tvaranovich-Seuruk, D. L., & Lukashev, O. V. (2019). Main aspects and perspectives of a new view on the geochemistry of the catchments of the right inflows of the Pripyat river. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography and Geology, 1, 76-82. Retrieved from