Economic and geographic analysis of road service structure of the Republic of Belarus (on the example of highways)

  • Dmitry P. Korotysh Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus
  • Nikolai S. Sheleg Belarus State Economic University, 26 Partyzanski Avenue, Minsk 220070, Belarus


The article is devoted to the economic and geographic characteristics of territorial differences in roadside services providing on the main roads of the Republic of Belarus of the 2015–2019. At present, the relevant issues related to the problems, organization, functioning and increasing the efficiency of roadside service facilities are widely represented in the studies of economists. However, the issue of the territorial organization of roadside service has not been practically studied in geographical science. The aim of the work is an economic and geographical analysis of spatial differences and patterns in the development of roadside services on the main roads of the Republic of Belarus and suggesting priority development areas, taking into account economic and geographical factors and identified regularities. The research provides a comparative analysis of the roadside service in the main roads and economic and geographical factors which determine the development of the roadside service network. Such factors include: traffic intensity, population of the administrative region, transport accessibility of service facilities for urban residents, level of socio-economic development of the region. The patterns of territorial differentiation of roadside services have been established, which are manifested in a high concentration of objects and services in areas with high traffic, attraction to large cities and the state border. The question of the service complexity, which is expressed in the number of roadside services types and the development of multifunctional facilities, which provide 5 or more types of services, is considered. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the research of geographical aspects of roadside services is performed for the first time in the country and international aspects of the problem, an economic and geographical typology of main roads was proposed based on the type of roadside service structure and belonging to trans-European transport corridors using the example of the Republic of Belarus. The following typology enables to determine the underdevelopment of certain types of roadside services, such as car service stations, car washes, and guarded parking lots. The value of this study lies in identifying priority directions for the development of highways roadside service based on identified road services particularities: expanding the range of roadside services on facilities territory, developing a network of secure parking lots, including for trucks, developing multifunctional service complexes, providing paid and free self-service system services.

Author Biographies

Dmitry P. Korotysh, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

postgraduate student at the department of economic and social geography, faculty of geography and geoinformatics.

Nikolai S. Sheleg, Belarus State Economic University, 26 Partyzanski Avenue, Minsk 220070, Belarus

doctor of science (economics), full professor; professor at the department of economics of trade and services, faculty of commerce and tourist industry.


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Keywords: economic and geographical analysis, roadside service of the Republic of Belarus, highways, type of service structure, priority areas of development
How to Cite
Korotysh, D. P., & Sheleg, N. S. (2020). Economic and geographic analysis of road service structure of the Republic of Belarus (on the example of highways). Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography and Geology, 2, 60-69.