Physical-geographical natural systems within waters of the World Ocean


Based on the data of theoretical developments in the fields of ocean geography and system-geographical analysis, a hierarchical scheme of natural systems in the water layer of the World Ocean has been examined. The aim of the work is to carry out the first attempt to compare landscapes on land, natural systems in the coastal zone (the zone of contact between land and the World Ocean) and those in the World Ocean. The differentiation of the oceanic natural environment which is a possible version of a systematised list of systems ranging from individual oceans to individual eddies (or impulses) in the deep sea and on the shelf of shallow water are discussed. This work therefore, attempts to find new ways for the synchronous study of the hierarchical series of the coastal zone and the water layer of the World Ocean, along with land landscapes as part of the geographic shell of the Earth. This approach will make it possible to obtain a series of systems for the entire geographic envelope. This is a promising approach for an indebt development of physical geography in general.

Author Biography

Yuriy D. Shuisky, Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University, 2 Dvoryanskaya Street, Odessa 65082, Ukraine

doctor of science (geography), full professor; head of the department of physical geography, natural management and GIS-technologies, faculty of geology and geography


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Keywords: natural systems, the World Ocean, stratification, hierarchical series, landscape, aquasoft, thalassogen
How to Cite
Shuisky, Y. D. (2021). Physical-geographical natural systems within waters of the World Ocean. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography and Geology, 1, 35-49.