Assessment of economic and geographical location of regions and cities of regional submission of the Republic of Belarus

  • Mikalai P. Drahun Research Economic Institute, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 1 Slavinskaha Street, 1 building, Minsk 220086, Belarus
  • Artur S. Mazan Research Economic Institute, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 1 Slavinskaha Street, 1 building, Minsk 220086, Belarus
  • Maksim A. Dubavets Research Economic Institute, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 1 Slavinskaha Street, 1 building, Minsk 220086, Belarus


A methodology for assessing the economic and geographical location of the territory is proposed, which is tested on the example of regions and cities of regional submission of the Republic of Belarus. A statistically significant relationship has been established between the level of socio-economic development of the studied territories and the distance of their administrative centers to large economic centers of the country, the area of the territory, the density of highways and the length of international oil and gas pipelines passing through the territory of administrative-territorial units. An integral indicator of the economic and geographical location of regions and cities of regional submission of the Republic of Belarus is proposed. A differentiated approach to the socio-economic development of the studied territories is substantiated on the basis of a change in their economic and geographical location, in connection with which appropriate measures of a practical nature are proposed.

Author Biographies

Mikalai P. Drahun, Research Economic Institute, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 1 Slavinskaha Street, 1 building, Minsk 220086, Belarus

PhD (economics), docent; head of the department of consolidated planning and regional development methodology

Artur S. Mazan, Research Economic Institute, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 1 Slavinskaha Street, 1 building, Minsk 220086, Belarus

PhD (economics), docent; head of the department of consolidated planning and regional development methodology

Maksim A. Dubavets, Research Economic Institute, Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Belarus, 1 Slavinskaha Street, 1 building, Minsk 220086, Belarus

 junior researcher at the department of consolidated planning and regional development methodology


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Keywords: economic and geographical location, socio-economic development, district, administrative-territorial unit, assessment, recommendations
How to Cite
Drahun, M. P., Mazan, A. S., & Dubavets, M. A. (2021). Assessment of economic and geographical location of regions and cities of regional submission of the Republic of Belarus. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography and Geology, 1, 50-64.