Geographical features of tourism development in various high-altitude zones of mountainous areas of Azerbaijan

  • Gunesh R. Agakishiyeva Institute of Geography named after Academician Hasan Aliyev, 115 H. Javid Avenue, Baku AZ1143, Azerbaijan


The development of tourism in various high-altitude zones of the mountainous areas of Azerbaijan was studied using system, assessment and cartographic methods. The legislative framework in the field of tourism, existing historical and cultural monuments of world and national importance were analysed. The possibilities for developing such types of tourism as caving tourism, ecotourism, ethnographic tourism, ski tourism, historical and cultural tourism in the administrative districts of Azerbaijan located at an altitude of 1001–2000 m and more above sea level were assessed. The existing recreation and tourism facilities in these areas, which do not meet the needs of the growing number of tourists, are studied. The administrative districts of the country, distinguished by the number of settlements located at an altitude of 1001–2000 m and more above sea level, as well as the works of local and foreign scientists devoted to the development of tourism in highlands, are considered. Based on the legislative framework in the field of tourism and archive materials, it is determined that the administrative districts of the republic located at an altitude of 1001–2000 m and more above sea level, as well as the cities and villages included in them, have a large number of architectural and archaeological monuments that play an important role in tourism development. The economic indicators of hotels and hotel-type enterprises in mountainous areas for 2015–2022 are analysed, and the absence of statistical data for some mountainous areas is substantiated. Taking into account the growing role of tourism in the overall socio-economic development of the country and the advantages of mountainous relief over flat areas, a score is given to mountainous areas in terms of the level of provision with a hotel network, as well as historical and cultural sites of global and national significance. It is established that mountainous areas have great tourism potential, including natural, historical and cultural tourism resources. The results obtained can be used in programmes for the socio-economic development of the regions of the country.

Author Biography

Gunesh R. Agakishiyeva, Institute of Geography named after Academician Hasan Aliyev, 115 H. Javid Avenue, Baku AZ1143, Azerbaijan

PhD (geography), docent; leading researcher at the department of political and economic geography of Azerbaijan


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Keywords: architectural monuments, archaeological monuments, mountainous relief, caving tourism, ecotourism, ethnographic tourism, ski tourism, historical and cultural tourism
How to Cite
Agakishiyeva, G. R. (2024). Geographical features of tourism development in various high-altitude zones of mountainous areas of Azerbaijan. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography and Geology, 2, 72-90. Retrieved from