Spatial-temporal features of hydrogeological and hydrochemical situation in the area of Khotislavskoye deposit of chalk and construction sands

  • Alexander N. Vitchanka Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus
  • Daria A. Shpakova Central Research Institute for Comprehensive Use of Water Resources, 1 Slavinskaga Street, 2 building, Minsk 220086, Belarus


Based on surface and underground waters monitoring data conducted in 2010–2021 in the area of Khotislavskoye deposit of chalk and construction sands, an analysis of the spatial-temporal trends of their main hydrogeological and hydrochemical characteristics was carried out. Using the methods of mathematical statistics, spatial-temporal analysis of hydrogeological and hydrochemical data, geographic systematisation, comparative geographic and cartographic methods, a number of new scientific and practical results were obtained. Trends in the surface waters level above the quarry and in the compensation canal during the study period are positive and have a pronounced rise, which indicates the absence of significant negative phenomena in these areas of water bodies. Below the quarry, a reverse trend is observed, which is due to the consequences of the annual regulation of the flow Rita River with partial emptying of reclamation canals. Analysis of data on surface waters pollution at water metering stations allows to conclude that the nature of the state of the surface waters of the Rita River in the background section corresponds to the general trends in the formation of river water quality in the basin of the Mukhavets River, but has a higher background content of ammonium ions, total iron, manganese, and zinc. Changes in ground and pressure waters levels in 2010–2021 in the quarry area were mainly determined by seasonal variations in climatic phenomena. Its fluctuations at observation points are synchronous and correspond to the trends of background changes. Graphic-analytical interpretation of the conditions for changes in quality and analysis of the salt composition of ground and pressure waters in the quarry area indicate their formation mainly due to natural factors. The operation of the Khotislavskoye deposit of chalk and construction sands is carried out in conjunction with effective protective water protection measures. Observations of changes in the regime of surface and underground waters with a set frequency allow to have reliable data on changes in their level and quality, to monitor the impact of the quarry on the environment.

Author Biographies

Alexander N. Vitchanka, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

doctor of science (geography), full professor; professor at the department of geographical ecology, faculty of geography and geoinformatics

Daria A. Shpakova, Central Research Institute for Comprehensive Use of Water Resources, 1 Slavinskaga Street, 2 building, Minsk 220086, Belarus

junior researcher at the department of hydroecological research


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Keywords: hydrogeological and hydrochemical situation, deposits of chalk and construction sands, environmental monitoring, surface and underground waters, water metering station, observation well, compensation canal
How to Cite
Vitchanka, A. N., & Shpakova, D. A. (2024). Spatial-temporal features of hydrogeological and hydrochemical situation in the area of Khotislavskoye deposit of chalk and construction sands. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography and Geology, 1, 21-36. Retrieved from