Space-time correlation development of the lake levels change during the late glacial and holocene of the Baltic Lake Districts

  • Aliaksei A. Novik Belarusian State University, Nezavisimosti avenue, 4, 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus


Inter-regional correlation and comparison of paleogeographic events on the basis of a common methodological approach in the interpretation of geological, geochemical and palaeobotanical data on the example of the Baltic Lake District was carried out. The data obtained from the study of lake sediments are important in paleogeographic reconstructions of past events. Their analysis allowed us to restore the integrity and consistent picture of the dynamics of lake levels as an indicator of the evolutionary history of the natural environment of the region in the last 14 000 years. General patterns of sedimentation and lake level fluctuations are primarily concerned with the global trend of warming in the early post-glacial period, the disappearance of permafrost. Further changes in the character of sedimentation is determined by climatic cycles of the Holocene and the stage of change continental.

Author Biography

Aliaksei A. Novik, Belarusian State University, Nezavisimosti avenue, 4, 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

PhD (geography), docent; associate professor at the department of earth science and hydrometeorology, faculty of geography


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Keywords: lake level fluctuation, lake sedimentation, lithology, late glacial, holocene, Estonia, Latvia, Belarus
Supporting Agencies The study was supported by the framework of international Belarusian-Estonian project BRFFR No. Х10МС-001 (2010–2012) «Inter-regional space-time correlation development of the environmental during the short-lasting climatic events throughout the last 14 000 years: on the example of Estonia, Latvia and Belarus» and the postdoctoral grant PD55 of the Estonian Science Foundation (2007–2009) «The lake-level fluctuations during the postglacial period: causes and impact on the lake ecosystem». The author is grateful to colleagues from the Institute of Ecology at Tallinn University (J.-M. Punning, T. Koff, M. Kangur, Т. Vasmaa, J. Terasmaa, G. Kaponen, A. Marzecova) and to the senior researcher at the Institute of Environmental Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus V. P. Zernickoj for their assistance and cooperation in the collection, processing and analysis of materials during the program work.
How to Cite
Novik, A. A. (2017). Space-time correlation development of the lake levels change during the late glacial and holocene of the Baltic Lake Districts. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography and Geology, 1, 26-35. Retrieved from