Technogenic hydrogeochemical anomalies within the influence area of industrial chemichal dumps

  • Oleg V. Shershnyov Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Sovetskaya street, 104, 256019, Gomel, Republic of Belarus


The paper assesses a technogenic effect on groundwater chemical structure, produced by dumps of Gomel Chemical Plant. The role of controlled macrocomponents, presented by SO42–, PO43–, NH4+  and Cl, which influence groundwater pollution is analyzed. For the first time the features of the distribution of heavy metals (Cu, Zn, Cr, Co, Pb, Cd, As, Hg) in the groundwater within the phosphogypsum dumps are considered. The levels of technogenic geochemical anomalies of elements-pollutants and their spatial differentiation and in the geological profile are found. Areas with different geochemical features on the main paths of groundwater flow are determined. Within these areas there is a possibility for some types of geochemical barriers, which may reduce the contrasts of hydrogeochemical anomalies. 

Author Biography

Oleg V. Shershnyov, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Sovetskaya street, 104, 256019, Gomel, Republic of Belarus

PhD (geography), docent; associate professor at the department of social and humanitarian disciplines, Institute of skills development and staff retraining


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Keywords: industrial wastes, groundwater, contamination, hydrogeochemical anomalies
How to Cite
Shershnyov, O. V. (2017). Technogenic hydrogeochemical anomalies within the influence area of industrial chemichal dumps. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography and Geology, 1, 130-136. Retrieved from