Current trends of the climatic comfort change in Minsk

  • Alexander N. Vitchenko Belarusian State University, Niezaliežnasci Avenue, 4, 220030, Minsk, Belarus
  • Inna A. Telesh Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, P. Broǔki Street, 6, 220013, Minsk, Belarus


Estimation of the change the climatic comfort in Minsk founded on methods of the calculation the separate and integral eco-climatic indices of the condition environment, characterizing degree its favourable for person, with use modern GIS-technology are executed. The analysis of the main climatic (8) and eco-climatic (15) indices in Minsk during 1980 –2015 was shown in city stable trend to increasing amount days with orderly equivalent-efficient temperature of the air from 17 before 21 °С and average month temperature of the air at July and January, of the integral index of the climatic comfort. The trend to reduction typical for length of the period with index cold stress by Hill ≥ 4,5 Wt/(m2 ∙ s) and amount
of the events with contrasting change the weather; decreases the amount of the days with between daily of change the atmospheric pressure ≥ 9 GPa-day, relative moisture of the air ≥ 80 %, cold days with the temperature of the air ≤ –10 °С, with not comfort importances of cloud ≥ 6 points, with the speed of winds ≥ 5 m/s, with precipitation ≥ 1 mm. In Minsk in
1980 –2015 dominated moderate comfort (61 %) and little comfort (36 %) climatic conditions and exists the stable trend to improvement of the climate of the city. Prognosis scenario of the possible climate comfort change in Minsk before 2030 is offered. The received results can be used in practice of rational environmental management for adoption of competent
administrative decisions on optimization of functioning and development of Minsk taking into account possible variations of climate.

Author Biographies

Alexander N. Vitchenko, Belarusian State University, Niezaliežnasci Avenue, 4, 220030, Minsk, Belarus

doctor of science (geography), full professor; head of the department of geoecology, faculty of geography

Inna A. Telesh, Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics, P. Broǔki Street, 6, 220013, Minsk, Belarus

PhD (geography), docent; associate professor at the department of ecology, faculty of computer-aided design


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Keywords: geoecology, city, health, vital activity, comfort, climate, modeling, population, prognosis scenario, person
How to Cite
Vitchenko, A. N., & Telesh, I. A. (2017). Current trends of the climatic comfort change in Minsk. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography and Geology, 2, 103-113. Retrieved from