Augustovian Interglacial of Poland according to the study of molluscs fauna

  • Aleksander F. Sanko Belarusian State University, Niezaliežnasci Avenue, 4, 220030, Minsk, Belarus


Malacofaunistic research was passed out on the sediments exposed in the boreholes Zharnowo and Komorniki. The results of the study allow the author to join the opinion of those Polish researchers who said of the Augustovian deposits of the oldest in the Glaciopleistocene. Based on the concept of development of flora and fauna in one climatic cycle (the optimum), Augustovian Interglacial sediments is considered as the thickness, including the following three separate stratigraphic units of the Pleistocene in the rank of horizons: Zharnovian Interglacial, Bebzhian Glacial and Augustovian Interglacial. The species Parafossorulus crassitesta, Fagotia wuesti detected for the first time in the composition of the freshwater fauna of molluscs of these units. They do not occur in younger Pleistocene faunas of Poland and Belarus. The presence of Ponto-Caspian reophyles molluscs in the composition of the fauna indicates the flow in fossil lakes, their possible entry into the Pontic (Black sea) river basin.

Author Biography

Aleksander F. Sanko, Belarusian State University, Niezaliežnasci Avenue, 4, 220030, Minsk, Belarus

doctor of science (geology and mineralogy), docent; head of the department of engineering geology and geophysics, faculty of geography


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Keywords: malacofauna, Zharnovian Interglacial, Bebzhian Glacial, Augustovian Interglacial
How to Cite
Sanko, A. F. (2017). Augustovian Interglacial of Poland according to the study of molluscs fauna. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Geography and Geology, 2, 163-174. Retrieved from