The system of collective defence towards hybrid threats in Europe in the post-bipolar world

  • Piotr Krzysztof Marszałek University of Wrocław, 1 Uniwersytecki Square, Wrocław 50-137, Poland


With the disappearance of the bipolarity of the world after the Cold War, the danger characteristic of that period became a thing of the past. The hope of building a world devoid of military rivalry and, as a result, of conflicts were growing. The experience of the Balkans, the tensions in the post-Soviet area and the continuing instability in the Middle East and North Africa region proved those expectations to be futile. The countries that are still on the road of confrontation at all costs want to avoid a direct collision. They look for and implement ways to achieve their goals on the verge of armed conflict. For this purpose, they use various possibilities, including technological ones. New hybrid threats are emerging. This article analyses the activities of the North Atlantic Alliance and the European Union aimed at neutralizing the above-mentioned threats.

Author Biography

Piotr Krzysztof Marszałek, University of Wrocław, 1 Uniwersytecki Square, Wrocław 50-137, Poland

doctor of science (law), full professor; head of the department of security studies, faculty of social sciences, Institute of international studies


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Keywords: collective defence, hybrid threats, the North Atlantic Alliance, the European Union, the post-Cold War world
How to Cite
Marszałek, P. K. (2019). The system of collective defence towards hybrid threats in Europe in the post-bipolar world. Journal of the Belarusian State University. International Relations, 2, 20-24. Retrieved from
History of International Relations and Foreign Policy