Media consumption of students: features and trends of transformation

  • Мikhail A. Valkouski The Institute of Journalism, Belarusian State University, 9 Kal’varyjskaja Street, Minsk 220004 , Belarus


This article examines the structure of media consumption of students of Belarusian universities: the sources of news, entertainment and educational information that they use, preferences in choosing platforms, the time they spend on Internet surfing. The empirical part is based on the results of a survey of respondents. In the theoretical part, the author examines the trends in the evolution of journalism in the era of mobile Internet, the development of digital media economics and the economy of attention, based on the interests and needs of the generation of people who grew up in the conditions of active development of digital technologies.

Author Biography

Мikhail A. Valkouski, The Institute of Journalism, Belarusian State University, 9 Kal’varyjskaja Street, Minsk 220004 , Belarus

PhD (philology); associate professor at the department of foreign journalistic and literature


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Keywords: media, media consumption, digital economy, economics of attention
How to Cite
ValkouskiМ. A. (2019). Media consumption of students: features and trends of transformation. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Journalism, 1, 86-91. Retrieved from