Typology of modern literary and artistic editions of Iran

  • Noriyeh Ghorbany Ebrahimy The Institute of Journalism, Belarusian State University, 9 Kal’varyjskaja Street, Minsk 220004, Belarus


The study is dedicated to typological features of literary and artistic editions of Iran. The object of the research are 7 journals of this type from the 50 items, functioning in the media space of Iran, selected according to the principle of representation, circulation, frequency of publication and influence on public opinion. The most common literary and journalistic genres found on the pages of literary and artistic editions of Iran (poem, essay, interview, abstract, memoir, creative portrait) are distinguished. The statistics and analysis of the content of publications allow to draw a conclusion about the dynamic development of this type of press, its subjectivity and individualization, overcoming artificial isolation.

Author Biography

Noriyeh Ghorbany Ebrahimy, The Institute of Journalism, Belarusian State University, 9 Kal’varyjskaja Street, Minsk 220004, Belarus

postgraduate student at the department of literary-art criticism


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Keywords: literary and artistic editions of Iran, ancient tradition, leading editions, genre diversity, poem, essay, interview, abstract, memoir, creative portrait, subjectivity, individuality
How to Cite
Ebrahimy, N. G. (2019). Typology of modern literary and artistic editions of Iran. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Journalism, 1, 100-106. Retrieved from https://journals.bsu.by/index.php/journalism/article/view/2380
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