Cultural studies of journalism: the fundamentals

  • Sergey N. Ilchenko Saint Petersburg State University, 7/9 Universitetskaya Embankment, Saint Petersburg 199034, Russia


The article provides a theoretical basis for such a concept of «cultural journalism». The author analyzes the objective and subjective reasons for its emergence in the theory of journalistic creativity and the need to improve the general culture of both the media and those who receive specialized education at the university level. Concrete examples from journalistic practice, testifying to the «falling out» of journalism from the space of culture, are given.

Author Biography

Sergey N. Ilchenko, Saint Petersburg State University, 7/9 Universitetskaya Embankment, Saint Petersburg 199034, Russia

doctor of science (philology), full professor; professor at the department of TV and radio journalism, School of Journalism and Mass Communication.


  1. Ilchenko SN. Shou-tsivilizatsiya: konets real’nosti? [Show civilization: the end of reality?]. Saint Petersburg: Institut vneshneekonomicheskikh svyazei, ekonomiki i prava; 2014. 198 p. Russian.
  2. Ilchenko SN. Kak nas obmanyvayut SMI. Manipulirovanie informatsiei [How we are deceived by the media. Manipulation of information]. Saint Petersburg: Piter; 2019. 320 p. Russian.
  3. Marjina LP. Zhurnalistika i kul’tura: dinamika vzaimodeistviya [Journalism and culture: the dynamics of interaction]. Lviv: PAIS; 2013. 164 р. Russian.
Keywords: journalism, cultural studies, art, culture, education, mass media, theory
How to Cite
Ilchenko, S. N. (2019). Cultural studies of journalism: the fundamentals. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Journalism, 1, 13-16. Retrieved from