Local Attribute Indicative in Media Speech. For the 90th anniversary of Professor A. Narkevych

  • Viktor I. Ivchenkov Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus


It is asserted that A. I. Narkevich enriched the Belarusian linguistics with a special outlook at a number of grammatical problems. His cultural activity has become a regulator of speech processes in mass media. The role of the scientist in preserving the modern Belarusian literary language norm is defined. Through the author’s views in the works of different periods of time the dynamics of establishing imperative of a relevant morphological form is traced. A historical comment of the formation in the Belarusian language of one of the meanings of the «locative» case is provided – an attribute indicative means, method, type of communication and the type of its implementation.

Author Biography

Viktor I. Ivchenkov, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

doctor of science (philology), full professor; head of the department of media linguistics and editing, faculty of journalism


  1. Vinogradov VV. Russkii yazyk. Grammaticheskoe uchenie o slove [Russian language. Grammar doctrine of the word]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola; 1972. 601 p. Russian.
  2. Narkevіch AІ. Nazownik. Gramatychnyja katjegoryi i formy [Noun. Grammar kategories and forms]. Minsk: Belaruski dzjarzhawny universitet; 1976. 245 p. Belarusian.
  3. Atrahovich KK, editor. Gramatyka belaruskaj movy. Tom 1. Marfalogіja [Grammar of the Belarusian language. Volume 1. Morphology]. Mіnsk: Vydavetstva Akademii navuk BSSR; 1962. 540 p. Belarusian.
  4. Biryla MV, Shuba PP, editors. Belaruskaja gramatyka. Chastka 1. Fanalogіya. Arfaepіya. Marfalogіja. Slovawtvarenne. Nacіsk [Belarusian grammar. Part 1. Phonology. Orthoepy. Morphology. Word formation. Stress]. Mіnsk: Navuka і tjehnіka; 1985. 431 p. Belarusian.
  5. Narkevіch AІ. [Word and time]. Kul’tura movy zhurnalіsta. 1992;6:12–64. Belarusian.
Keywords: language, media, grammar, noun, «locative» case, «dative» case, morphological forms, methods and means of communication
Supporting Agencies This work was supported by the Belarusian Foundation for Basic Research (via the project No. Г18-062).
How to Cite
Ivchenkov, V. I. (2019). Local Attribute Indicative in Media Speech. For the 90th anniversary of Professor A. Narkevych. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Journalism, 1, 63-68. Retrieved from https://journals.bsu.by/index.php/journalism/article/view/2403