Newspaper «Zvyazda»: clarification of the history of the period of the Great Patriotic War

  • Kanyuta I. Kanyuta The editorial&publishing institution «Publishing House “Zvyazda”», 10A B. Chmiaĺnickaha Street, Minsk 220013, Belarus


Тhe military history of one of the most influential publications of the Republic of Belarus newspaper «Zvyazda» is being investigated. The method of historical research helps to restore little­known facts, to introduce new ones into a historical circulation. Some additional information based on the study of archival documents and materials is supplemented into the biography of the first editor of the underground newspaper «Zvyazda» Vladimir Omelyanyuk, Hero of the Soviet Union. Objec tively covering the events of the Great Patriotic War, the newspaper made a significant contribution to the fight against the German fascist invaders. Studying publishing activity of «Zvyazda» during the war period is especially relevant in the situation when there are numerous attempts to falsify the historical facts and events of World War II.

Author Biography

Kanyuta I. Kanyuta, The editorial&publishing institution «Publishing House “Zvyazda”», 10A B. Chmiaĺnickaha Street, Minsk 220013, Belarus

special correspondent


  1. Dastanka ME. Gazeta «Zvjazda» w gady Vjalikaj Ajchynnaj vajny (chjerven’ 1941 – maj 1945 gg.) [Newspaper «Zvyazda» during the Great Patriotic War (June 1941 – May 1945)]. Minsk: V. I. Lenin Belarusian State University; 1970. 196 р. Belarusian.
  2. Padalyak TU. Aksijalogija suchasnaj belaruskaj zhurnalistyki [Axiology of modern Belarusian journalism]. Minsk: Belarusian State University; 2016. 263 p. Belarusian.
  3. Filimonaw MYa, compiler. Nasha «Zvjazda», 1917–1967 gg. Zbornik publicystychna-mastackih narysaw [Our «Zvyazda», 1917–1967 years. Collection of journalistic and artistic essays]. Minsk: Belarus’; 1968. 267 р. Belarusian.
  4. Savitskaya YaM. Boitsy podpol’nogo fronta [Fighters of the underground front]. Minsk: Belarus’; 1982. 173 р. Russian.
  5. Shurpach AS. I slova kavala peramogu [And the word made victory]. Minsk: Belarus’; 1981. 76 р. Belarusian.
  6. Budai GV. Svintsom i slovom: zapiski zhurnalista [With lead and word: journalist notes]. 2nd edition. Minsk: Belarus’; 1981. 223 р. Russian.
Keywords: journalism, the newspaper «Zvyazda», Minsk underground, historical investigation, World War II
How to Cite
Kanyuta, K. I. (2021). Newspaper «Zvyazda»: clarification of the history of the period of the Great Patriotic War. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Journalism, 1, 82-87. Retrieved from