On the problem of developing modern textbooks

  • Askarbek K. Kussainov Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, 74A Abylai khan Avenue, Almaty 050000, Kazakhstan; Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 71 Al-Farabi Avenue, Almaty 050040, Kazakhstan


At present, a great deal of work is being done in Kazakhstan on the transition from the knowledge­centric educational paradigm to the activity oriented one, which required the transformation of learning objectives into learning outcomes. Accordingly, the requirements for competence­oriented textbooks, the coverage of which is the purpose of the article, have changed. The article addresses the problems of creating national textbooks. According to the author, a modern textbook should guide the student towards solving not only various curricular problems, but also personal, cross­curricular and supra­curricular problems. Therefore, tasks that require not only individual, but also collective activities of students are important in the textbook. The basic principles of delivering teaching materials are also discussed: linear, concentric, and spiral. The author believes that currently the textbook is not the only source of information, but it should be the cornerstone of basic education, an entry point into the subject. An analysis of the research of scholars, dealing with the problems of creating textbooks, leads to the conclusion that the quality of textbooks is determined by the quality of its didactic apparatus and the functions performed by it.

Author Biography

Askarbek K. Kussainov, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, 74A Abylai khan Avenue, Almaty 050000, Kazakhstan; Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 71 Al-Farabi Avenue, Almaty 050040, Kazakhstan

academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, doctor of science (pedagogics), full professor; chairman of the board, Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Kazakhstan, and professor at the department of pedagogy and educational management, faculty of philosophy and political science, Al-Farabi Kazakh National University


1. Kussainov AK, Asylov UA. Aktual’nye problemy uchebnikovedeniya [Actual problems of textbook studies]. Moscow: Prosveshchenie; 2003. 86 p. Russian.
2. Kussainov AK, Ryskulbekova AD, Munarbaeva AO. Kriterii otsenki kachestva uchebnikov [Textbook quality criteria]. Almaty: Rond & A; 2018. 120 p. Russian.
3. Kasprzhak AG, Mitrofanov KG, Polivanova KN. Novyi vzglyad na gramotnost’. Po materialam mezhdunarodnogo issledovaniya PISA-2000 [A new perspective on literacy. Based on the materials of the international research PISA­2000]. Moscow: Logos; 2004. 128 p. (Current issues of education development). Russian.
4. Kussainov AK, Sametova FT, Duisebek AT, Mikhalev RK, Konyrova ZhB. Nauchno-pedagogicheskaya otsenka kachestva uchebnikov [Scientific and pedagogical assessment of the quality of textbooks]. Almaty: Akademiya pedagogicheskikh nauk Kazakhstana; 2019. 23 p. Russian.
5. Kussainov AK, Karimova BS, Sametova FT. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po povysheniyu kachestva uchebnoi literatury [Me thodological recommendations for improving the quality of educational literature]. Almaty: Akademiya pedagogi cheskikh nauk Kazakhstana; 2019. 48 p. Russian.
Keywords: textbook, creating a textbook, competence-­oriented  textbook, principles of developing a textbook, requirements to the textbook, didactic apparatus, didactic functions
How to Cite
Kussainov, A. K. (2021). On the problem of developing modern textbooks. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Journalism, 1, 102-107. Retrieved from https://journals.bsu.by/index.php/journalism/article/view/3900