Newspaper «Zvyazda» as subject of scientific research

  • Veronika I. Kanyuta The editorial and publishing institution «Publishing House “Zvyazda”», 10A Bagdana Hmialnickaga Street, Minsk 220013, Belarus; Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus


Works of scientific research which subject is newspaper «Zvyazda», a national periodical of Belarus since August 1917, have been analysed. The newspaper history, the features of its operation during various periods of the Belarusian statehood formation, features of examining specific issues in the publications are of interest to both philologists, historians, and hands-on journalists. The newspaper development in the 21st century is part of interest of researchers of the media sphere. The unique history of the publication, the combination of classical traditions of journalism and modern media innovations, the content in the Belarusian language, all this sets newspaper «Zvyazda» apart in the domestic media market, provides the relevant basis for further scholarly elaboration and analysis.

Author Biography

Veronika I. Kanyuta, The editorial and publishing institution «Publishing House “Zvyazda”», 10A Bagdana Hmialnickaga Street, Minsk 220013, Belarus; Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

editor of the politics office, the editorial and publishing institution «Publishing House “Zvyazda”», and post­gra­duate student at the department of medialogy, faculty of journalism, Belarusian State University


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  6. Padaljak TU. Duhownae stanawlenne asoby i srodki masavaj infarmacyi: kanstruktywnyja i djestruktywnyja tjendjencyi su­chas­naj belaruskaj publicystyki [Personal spiritual formation and mass media: constructive and destructive tendencies of mo­dern Belarusian social and political journalism] [dissertation]. Minsk: Belarusian State University; 1998. 112 p. Belarusian.
  7. Padaljak TU. Aksijalogija suchasnaj belaruskaj zhurnalistyki [Axiology of modern Belarusian journalism] [dissertation]. Minsk: Belarusian State University; 2019. 260 p. Belarusian.
  8. Padaljak TU. Aksijalogija suchasnaj belaruskaj zhurnalistyki [Axiology of modern Belarusian journalism]. Gnilamjo­daw UV, editor. Minsk: Belarusian State University; 2016. 263 p. Belarusian.
  9. Budai GV. Svintsom i slovom (zapiski zhurnalista) [With lead and word (journalist notes)]. Minsk: Belarus’; 1981. 223 р. Russian.
  10. Savitskaya YaM. Boitsy podpol’nogo fronta [Fighters of the underground front]. Minsk: Belarus’; 1982. 173 р. Russian.
  11. Shurpach AS. [«Zvyazda» in Luban area]. In: Sojka VA, editor. Pamjac’: Ljubanski rajon (gistoryka-dakumental’nyja hro­niki garadow i rajonaw Belarusi) [Memory: Luban district (non-fiction historical chronicles of towns and districts of Belarus)]. Minsk: Uradzhaj; 1996. p. 197–201. Belarusian.
  12. Shurpach AS. I slova kavala peramogu [And the word made victory]. Minsk: Belarus’; 1981. 76 р. Belarusian.
  13. Ljawkovich AL, compiler. «Zvjazda»: gistoryja gazety – gistoryja krainy (padarozhzha praz stagoddze) [«Zvyazda»: the newspaper history is the history of the country (journey through the century)]. Suharukaw PJa, editor. Minsk: Zvyaz­da; 2017. 200 p. Belarusian.
  14. Saenkova-Mel’nitskaya LP. Kinokritika v belorusskoi zhurnalistike: istoriya, teoriya, mediapraktiki [Film criticism in Belarusian journalism: history, theory, media practices] [dissertation]. Minsk: Belarusian State University; 2022. 330 p. Russian.
Keywords: journalism, mass media, the newspaper «Zvyazda», history of domestic journalism, scientific research
Supporting Agencies The author is grateful to the scientific superviser, doctor of science (philology), docent Tatyana V. Po­dolyak for the help in preparing of the article.
How to Cite
Kanyuta, V. I. (2024). Newspaper «Zvyazda» as subject of scientific research. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Journalism, 1, 34-41. Retrieved from