The influence of the interface structure of the home pages of news sites on the choice of content by users

  • Mengfan Liao Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus


A cross-comparison of the home pages of leading news sites «BelTA» (Belarus), «BBC» (UK), «People’s Daily» (China), «RIA “No­vosti”» (Russia), and «CNN» (USA) was carried out. Such basic elements as tabs on the navigation bar, images, videos, advertisements, and news messages were analysed. The main attention is paid to studying the features of interface design and the specifics of placing content on the home page. The directions for the development of news sites have been de­termined.

Author Biography

Mengfan Liao , Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

postgraduate student at the department of international journalism, faculty of journalism


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Keywords: online edition, home page of news site, page layout, news content
Supporting Agencies The author is grateful to the China Scholarship Council for supporting this research.
How to Cite
Liao , M. (2024). The influence of the interface structure of the home pages of news sites on the choice of content by users. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Journalism, 1, 50-56. Retrieved from