On some questions of the criminal-legal and criminal-procedural reglamentation of the detention of the person suspected been criminal

  • Irina I. Laptsevich National Center for Legislation and Legal Studies of the Republic of Belarus, 1а Bersona Street, Minsk 220030, Belarus


The presented article analyzes the theoretical criminal-legal and criminal-procedural aspects of the arrest of the person who committed the crimes, the concepts «crime» and «socially dangerous act», «criminal» and «person who committed a socially dangerous act» are correlated. The opinions of scientists on the mentioned problems are explored, the experience of the Russian Federation is studied. The author proposes his own point of view on resolving contradictions in the Criminal Code and Criminal Code of Procedurs of the Republic of Belarus, justifying the need for correcting criminal and criminal procedural laws, making proposals to improve legislation.

Author Biography

Irina I. Laptsevich, National Center for Legislation and Legal Studies of the Republic of Belarus, 1а Bersona Street, Minsk 220030, Belarus

PhD (law); head of the department of research in the field of law enforcement and justice, the Institute of legal research


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Keywords: detention of a person, causing harm, crime, socially dangerous act, insanity, punishment, circumstances precluding the crime of the act
How to Cite
Laptsevich, I. I. (2019). On some questions of the criminal-legal and criminal-procedural reglamentation of the detention of the person suspected been criminal. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Law, 3, 43-49. Retrieved from https://journals.bsu.by/index.php/law/article/view/1529