The stability of neural networks under condition of adversarial attacks to biomedical image classification

  • Dmitry M. Voynov Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus
  • Vassili A. Kovalev United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 6 Surhanava Street, Minsk 220012, Belarus


Recently, the majority of research and development teams working in the field deep learning are concentrated on the improvement of the classification accuracy and related measures of the quality of image classification whereas the problem of adversarial attacks to deep neural networks attracts much less attention. This article is dedicated to an experimental study of the influence of various factors on the stability of convolutional neural networks under the condition of adversarial attacks to biomedical image classification. On a very extensive dataset consisted of more than 1.45 million of radiological as well as histological images we assess the efficiency of attacks performed using the projected gradient descent (PGD), DeepFool and Carlini – Wagner (CW) methods. We analyze the results of both white and black box attacks to the commonly used neural architectures such as InceptionV3, Densenet121, ResNet50, MobileNet and Xception. The basic conclusion of this study is that in the field of biomedical image classification the problem of adversarial attack stays sharp because the methods of attacks being tested are successfully attacking the above-mentioned networks so that depending on the specific task their original classification accuracy falls down from 83–97 % down to the accuracy score of 15 %. Also, it was found that under similar conditions the PGD method is less successful in adversarial attacks comparing to the DeepFool and CW methods. When the original images and adversarial examples are compared using the L2-norm, the DeepFool and CW methods generate the adversarial examples of similar maliciousness. In addition, in three out of four of black-box attacks, the PGD method has demonstrated lower attacking efficiency.

Author Biographies

Dmitry M. Voynov, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliežnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

master’s degree student at the department of discrete mathematics and algorithmics, faculty of applied mathematics and computer science

Vassili A. Kovalev, United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 6 Surhanava Street, Minsk 220012, Belarus

PhD (engineering); head of the laboratory of biomedical image analysis


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Keywords: deep learning, adversarial attacks, biomedical images
How to Cite
Voynov, D. M., & Kovalev, V. A. (2020). The stability of neural networks under condition of adversarial attacks to biomedical image classification. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Mathematics and Informatics, 3, 60-72.
Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science