The development of a signal classification method based on Chua’s oscillator within the reservoir computing framework

  • Uladzislau A. Sychou United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 6 Surhanava Street, Minsk 220012, Belarus
  • Alexander M. Krot United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 6 Surhanava Street, Minsk 220012, Belarus
  • Ryhor A. Prakapovich United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 6 Surhanava Street, Minsk 220012, Belarus


Practical aspects of signal processing using Chua’s chaotic oscillator as a computational substrate are considered. The research is inspired by a growing interest in the framework of unconventional computations that involve the inherent properties of different complex systems known as the «reservoir computing framework». The study proves that Chua’s oscillator meets such a requirement for being used as computation media as the ability to non-linearly transform input data and possesses a short-term memory. To control Chua’s oscillator a special control parameter is introduced to enable the circuit in the chaotic mode to produce non-linear oscillations, for which the form of the attractor in the state space is definitely determined by the control parameter. Besides, the symmetry of the attractor is used to estimate the external influence on the oscillator. As a result, the control and readout methods are developed to apply Chua’s oscillator as the so-called reservoir according to the reservoir computing framework. To exemplify the implementation of the signal processing method according to the reservoir computing framework a classifier of square, triangle and sinusoidal waves is developed. The simulation as well as prototyping of the electronic device show prospects to use Chua’s oscillator as the basis of an analog computations accelerator to perform narrow tasks in hybrid digital-analog control systems for non-industrial robots and smart devices.

Author Biographies

Uladzislau A. Sychou, United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 6 Surhanava Street, Minsk 220012, Belarus

researcher at the laboratory of robotic systems

Alexander M. Krot, United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 6 Surhanava Street, Minsk 220012, Belarus

doctor of science (engineering), full professor; head of the laboratory of self-organising system modelling

Ryhor A. Prakapovich, United Institute of Informatics Problems, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 6 Surhanava Street, Minsk 220012, Belarus

PhD (engineering), docent; head of the laboratory of robotic systems


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Keywords: deterministic chaos, Chua’s oscillator, classification, analog computing, signal processing
Supporting Agencies This work was carried out with the financial support of the Belarusian Republican Foundation for Fundamental Research (project F22KI-012 «Unsupervised learning model based visual odometry for mobile robot and its high-performance arithmetic units design») and the state program of scientific research «Digital and space technologies, security of man, society and state» for 2021–2025 (task 1.3.1 (T31)).
How to Cite
Sychou, U. A., Krot, A. M., & Prakapovich, R. A. (2023). The development of a signal classification method based on Chua’s oscillator within the reservoir computing framework. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Mathematics and Informatics, 1, 88-101.
Theoretical Foundations of Computer Science