On the existence of trigonometric Hermite – Jacobi approximations and non-linear Hermite – Chebyshev approximations

  • Alexander P. Starovoitov Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, 104 Savieckaja Street, Gomiel 246028, Belarus
  • Elena P. Kechko Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, 104 Savieckaja Street, Gomiel 246028, Belarus
  • Tatyana M. Osnach Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, 104 Savieckaja Street, Gomiel 246028, Belarus


In this paper, analogues of algebraic Hermite – Padé approximations are defined, being trigonometric Hermite – Padé approximations and Hermite – Jacobi approximations. Examples of functions are represented for which trigonometric Hermite – Jacobi approximations exist but are not the same as trigonometric Hermite – Padé approximations. Similar examples are made for linear and non-linear Hermite – Chebyshev approximations, which are multiple analogues of linear and non-linear Padé – Chebyshev approximations. Each type of examples follows from the well-known representations for the numerator and denominator of fractions, introduced by C. Hermite when proving the transcendence of number e.

Author Biographies

Alexander P. Starovoitov, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, 104 Savieckaja Street, Gomiel 246028, Belarus

doctor of science (physics and mathematics), full professor; professor at the department of mathematical analysis and differential equations, faculty of mathematics and technologies of programming

Elena P. Kechko, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, 104 Savieckaja Street, Gomiel 246028, Belarus

PhD (physics and mathematics); associate professor at the department of computational mathematics and programming, faculty of mathematics and technologies of programming

Tatyana M. Osnach, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, 104 Savieckaja Street, Gomiel 246028, Belarus

postgraduate student at the department of mathematical analysis and differential equations, faculty of mathematics and technologies of programming


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Keywords: trigonometric series, Fourier sums, trigonometric Padé approximations, Hermite – Padé polynomials, Padé – Chebyshev approximations
Supporting Agencies This work was supported by the state programme of scientific research «Convergence-2025».
How to Cite
Starovoitov, A. P., Kechko, E. P., & Osnach, T. M. (2023). On the existence of trigonometric Hermite – Jacobi approximations and non-linear Hermite – Chebyshev approximations. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Mathematics and Informatics, 2, 6-17. https://doi.org/10.33581/2520-6508-2023-2-6-17