Ecological acceptability of the educational environment as a factor of training an innovative type of specialist in Сhinese universities

  • Iryna L. Shauliakova-Barzenka Huzhou University, 759 Erhuandong Road, Huzhou 313000, Zhejiang Province, China


Ecological acceptability, understood as the ontological and existential proportionality of a person and the world around him, gives the educational environment an axiological meaning and a special (ecological-like) aesthetics, ensures its natural and cultural conformity, adequacy to the context of real life, health-preserving nature and compensatory (in the sense of neutralising negative impacts). In relation to the modern Chinese university, the environmental acceptability of the educational environment implies combinatoricity of strategic (deferred) and pragmatic goals, individualisation of educational trajectories and the development of a culture of cooperation, consistent implementation of the principles of nature and cultural conformity, multi-vector strengthening of the positions of traditional Chinese culture (in a broad sense, including the civilisational path, worldview and attitude) as the basis of innovation.

Author Biography

Iryna L. Shauliakova-Barzenka, Huzhou University, 759 Erhuandong Road, Huzhou 313000, Zhejiang Province, China

PhD (philology), docent; expert at the Multicultural Research Centre


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Keywords: ecological acceptability, educational environment, university, China, naturalness, cultural conformity, eco-personality
Theory and Methodology