Deviant learning behaviour as the problem of ensuring the continuity of general secondary and higher education in the context of digital transformation

  • Vyacheslav L. Lozitsky Polesye State University, 23 Dniaprowskaj flatylii Street, Pinsk 225710, Belarus


The subject of the author’s consideration is the problems of deviant educational behaviour, manifested in the use of hints, decommissioning, falsifications, guest writing, compilations, plagiarism and other forms. The moral and ethical, socio­legal, psychological and pedagogical significance of the studied phenomenon, its phenomenological essence are investigated. The conceptual and terminological apparatus is specified, the operation of which allows solving the problems of the carried out research. The author identified the main theoretical and methodological approaches in considering issues related to the prevention of deviant educational behaviour while ensuring the continuity of general secondary and higher education in dynamic conditions of digital transformation of the educational sphere. Attention is paid to the determining factors of the existence of deviant educational behaviour implemented in the information and communication space, the requirements for systemically presented mechanisms for preventing negative forms of educational behaviour are determined. Taking into account the provisions derived by the author in the complex of the proposed topic of scientific reflection will make it possible to solve important problems of ensuring the quality of education in the context of the formation and development of the knowledge economy in the context of digitalisation of society.

Author Biography

Vyacheslav L. Lozitsky, Polesye State University, 23 Dniaprowskaj flatylii Street, Pinsk 225710, Belarus

PhD (pedagogy), docent; associate professor at the department of economics and business, faculty of economics and finance



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Keywords: digital transformation, information and communication space, education system, deviant learning behaviour, continuity
Theory and Methodology