Didactic design in the preparation of students of the faculty of mechanics and mathematics

  • Yury V. Pazniak Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus


One version of didactic design in the educational process of the faculty of mechanics and mathematics is proposed, within the framework of which students develop the components of a large project «Distance mathematics school» and in the process of creation master modern methods of integrating audio, video materials into a network multimedia educational resource, learn open access to cloud applications.

Author Biography

Yury V. Pazniak, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

PhD (physics and mathematics), docent; associate professor at the department of web­technologies and computer modelling, faculty of mechanics and mathematics



  1. Pazniak YuV. [Implementation of the project method in the courses «Computer design of mathematical content» and «Development of multimedia applications»]. In: Belarusian State University. Veb-programmirovanie i internet-tekhnologii WebConf2018. Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii; 14–18 maya 2018 g.; Minsk, Belarus’ [Web­programming and Internet technologies WebConf2018. Materials of the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference; 2018 May 14–18; Minsk, Belarus]. Minsk: Belarusian State University; 2019. p. 42–44. Russian.
  2. Pazniak YuV, Rabtsevich TI, Petrushina TS. [Development of a distance mathematical school]. In: Belarusian State University. Veb-programmirovanie i internet-tekhnologii WebConf2018. Materialy IV Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii; 14–18 maya 2018 g.; Minsk, Belarus’ [Web­programming and Internet technologies WebConf2018. Materials of the 4th International Scientific and Practical Conference; 2018 May 14–18; Minsk, Belarus]. Minsk: Belarusian State University; 2019. р. 45–47. Russian.
Keywords: dynamic geometry, GeoGebra, online materials, multimedia mathematical resources, geometric problem, video
Methodics and Modern Educational Technologies