Evolution of perceptions about health standards and the causes of illnesses in folk medicine of Belarusians

  • Tatyana D. Rabetz Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus


The article is devoted to the analysis of the patterns of formation of traditional views on ways and means of preventing and eliminating human health disorders in close connection with the peculiarities of the worldview of the Belarusian people and socio-cultural factors in the development of traditional medicine. Describing the phenomenon of illness in a historical and cultural context makes it possible to identify ways of preserving and transmitting traditional values in modern society and brings each person to an awareness of personal responsibility for their own health.

Author Biography

Tatyana D. Rabetz, Belarusian State University, 4 Niezaliezhnasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus

PhD (philology), docent; doctoral student at the department of ethnology, museology and art history, faculty of history


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Keywords: folk medicine of Belarusians, traditional medicine, religious and mythological ideas of Belarusians, causes of illness, rational methods of treatment, healing magic, healer
How to Cite
Rabetz, T. D. (2024). Evolution of perceptions about health standards and the causes of illnesses in folk medicine of Belarusians. Human in the Socio-Cultural Dimension, 2, 21-28. Retrieved from https://journals.bsu.by/index.php/pitscd/article/view/6234
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