Images of the elements and elemental magic in transmedia storytelling

  • Viktar A. Karpievich Belarusian State Technological University, 13a Sviardlova Street, Minsk 220006, Belarus


The problem of using images of the elements and elemental magic in modern cultural industries is considered. This problem has not been adequately addressed in both domestic and foreign literature; it is new in modern cultural science. In connection with the spread of the fantasy genre the topic under study has become relevant. The use of above-mentioned images in anime, literature and video games is analysed, as well as the features of this use in transmedia narration are studied.

Author Biography

Viktar A. Karpievich, Belarusian State Technological University, 13a Sviardlova Street, Minsk 220006, Belarus

PhD (history), docent; associate professor at the department of philosophy and law, faculty of organic substances technology


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Keywords: elements, elemental magic, transmedia storytelling, fantasy, anime, light novel, video games
How to Cite
Karpievich, V. A. (2024). Images of the elements and elemental magic in transmedia storytelling. Human in the Socio-Cultural Dimension, 2, 51-55. Retrieved from