О границах креативности в современном обществе

  • Ирина Янушевна Мацевич-Духан Институт философии НАН Беларуси, ул. Сурганова, 1, корп. 2, 220072, г. Минск, Беларусь https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5263-2371


Раскрываются онтологический, гносеологический, этический и аксиологический аспекты изучения креативности в социальной теории. Выявляются способы ограничения креативности в современном обществе. Обсуждаются последствия ее чрезмерной экспансии и попытки заместить социальное. Анализируются социологические и социально-философские способы установления условных границ ценностного поля креативности и реабилитации социального.

Биография автора

Ирина Янушевна Мацевич-Духан, Институт философии НАН Беларуси, ул. Сурганова, 1, корп. 2, 220072, г. Минск, Беларусь

кандидат философских наук, доцент; докторант


  1. Reckwitz A. Die Gesellschaft der Singularitäten: Zum Strukturwandel der Moderne. Berlin: Suhrkamp; 2017. 480 S.
  2. Reckwitz A. The invention of creativity. Cambridge: Polity Press; 2017. 310 p.
  3. Andreas Reckwitz: Digitalisation and society of singularities (video). Alexander von Humboldt Institut für Internet und Gesellschaft. 2018 December 25 [Internet; cited 2019 September 28]. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7WIx2PGkl_4.
  4. Urry J. Sociology beyond societies: mobilities for the twenty-first century. London: Routledge; 2000. 255 p.
  5. Urry J. Kak vyglyadit budushchee? [What is the future?]. Moscow: Delo; 2018. 320 p. Russian.
  6. Nelson C. The invention of creativity: the emergence of a discourse. Cultural Studies Review. 2010;16(2):49–74.
  7. Joas H. The creativity of action. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1996. 336 p.
  8. Matsevich-Dukhan IJa. The notion of creativity in Western culture. Nauchnye trudy Respublikanskogo instituta vysshei shkoly. Filosofsko-gumanitarnye nauki: sbornik nauchnykh statei. 2019;18:392–400. Russian.
  9. Berdyaev NA. Krizis iskusstva [The crisis of art]. Moscow: Interprint; 1990. 48 p. Russian
  10. Wallas G. The Great Society. A psychological analysis. London: Macmillan and Co; 1914. 406 p.
  11. Dewey J. Creative democracy – the task before us. In: Boydston JA, editor. John Dewey: the later works, 1925–1953. Volume 14. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press; 1988. p. 224–230.
  12. Schoenwald J. A time for choosing: the rise of modern American conservatism. Oxford: OUP; 2002. 352 p.
  13. Matsevich-Dukhan IJa. The «great community» conception in early twentieth-century philosophy. Philosophical studies. 2019;6:107–118. Russian.
  14. Joas H. Pragmatism and social theory. Chicago: University of Chicago Press; 1993. 280 p.
  15. Landry Ch. Kreativnyi gorod [The creative city]. Moscow: Klassika-ХХI; 2005. 397 p. Russian.
  16. Joas H. Vozniknovenie tsennostei [The genesis of values]. Saint Petersburg: Aleteia; 2013. 312 p. Russian.
  17. Boltanski L, Thévenot L. On justification: economies of worth. Princeton: Princeton University Press; 2006. 400 p.
  18. Stevis-Gridneff M. «Protecting our European way of life»? Outrage follows new E.U. role. The New York Times. 2019 September 12. [Internet; cited 2019 September 28]. Available from: https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/12/world/europe/eu-ursula-von-der-leyen-migration.html.
  19. Greenfield A. Radikal’nye tekhnologii. Ustroistvo povsednevnoi zhizni [Radical technologies: the design of everyday life]. Moscow: Delo; 2018. 424 p. Russian.
  20. Boltanski L. Distant suffering. Morality, media and politics. Cambridge: CUP; 2008. 268 p.
  21. Arendt H. Vita activa, ili O deyatelnoi zhizni [Vita Activa]. Moscow: Ad Marginem Press; 2017. 415 p. Russian.
  22. Hook L. Greta Thunberg: «All my life I’ve been the invisible girl». The Financial Times. 2019 February 22. [Internet; cited 2019 September 28]. Available from: https://www.ft.com/content/4df1b9e6-34fb-11e9-bd3a-8b2a211d90d5.
  23. Daly R. Billie Eilish discusses living with Tourette syndrome: «The internet hasn’t really seen the bad tics». NME. 2019 March 6. [Internet; cited 2019 September 28]. Available from: https://www.nme.com/news/music/billie-eilish-discusses-living-tourette-syndrome-2458021.
  24. Brooke B. Gigi Hadid slams body shamers by revealing she suffers from Thyroid Disease. Vogue. 2018 February 12. [Internet; cited 2019 September 28]. Available from: https://www.vogue.com/article/gigi-hadid-hashimotos-disease-weightgain-loss-health-new-york-fashion-week-twitter.
  25. Lady Gaga reveals chronic illness, with fibromyalgia featuring in her new documentary. BBC. 2017 September 13. [Internet; cited 2019 September 28]. Available from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/41250806/lady-gaga-reveals-chronic-illness-with-fibromyalgia-featuring-in-her-new-documentary.
  26. Boardman M. Lana Del Rey explains her onstage meltdown, reveals devastating mystery illness. Us Weekly. 2014 June 6. [Internet; cited 2019 September 28]. Available from: https://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/lana-delrey-had-mystery-illness-says-she-doesnt-care-about-herself-201466/.
  27. Kounang N. Selena Gomez’s disease: what is lupus? CNN. 2016 August 31. [Internet; cited 2019 September 28]. Available from: https://edition.cnn.com/2015/10/08/health/selena-gomez-reveals-she-has-lupus/index.html.
  28. Gundle St. Glamour. A history. Oxford: OUP; 2008. 472 p.
  29. Grav I. Vysokaya tsena: iskusstvo mezhdu rynkom i kulturoi znamenitosti [High price: art between the market and celebrity culture]. Moscow: Ad Marginem Press; 2016. 288 p. Russian.
  30. Baggini J. Greta Thunberg’s attackers are morally bankrupt, but her deification isn’t helpful. The Guardian. 2019 August 19. [Internet; cited 2019 September 28]. Available from: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/aug/19/greta-thunberg-attackers-climate-crisis-activist.
  31. Stelhi JS. Face à Greta Thunberg, l’arrière-garde ricane pour les autres mâles blancs. Le Figaro. 2019 September 25. [Internet; cited 2019 September 28]. Available from: http://madame.lefigaro.fr/societe/face-a-greta-thunberg-larriere-garde-ricane-pour-les-autres-males-blancs-250919-167202.
Ключевые слова: креативность, сингулярность, сфера креативности, диспозитив креативности, императив креативности, режим креативности, границы креативности, социология страдания
Как цитировать
Мацевич-Духан, И. Я. (2020). О границах креативности в современном обществе. Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. Социология, 4, 21-34. Доступно по https://journals.bsu.by/index.php/sociology/article/view/1810