Energy sector decarbonization: avoided greenhouse gas emissions Сalculator developing

  • Volha A. Liubchyk


The presented materials show the impact of the energy sector of the Republic of Belarus on the volume of greenhouse gas emissions, as well as the dynamics of emissions. The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by the energy sector through the use of renewable energy sources and nuclear energy in the 2015–2020 has been determined. The branches of electric power industry and thermal power industry are considered separately. A source of energy that has provided the greatest reduction in emissions has been identified. A software product – Avoided Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator – is described; it allows determining the reduction or potential for reducing greenhouse gas emissions when energy is supplied from clean energy sources or when energy-saving measures are implemented. This product does not require special user training, has an intuitive design, and allows making calculations for consumers of fuel and energy resources of any category. Calculations according to the universal method, where the user can vary the source data in a wide range of values and simulate different situations, and according to the national simplified method, where only fuel economy needs to be entered, are available. When calculating according to the first method, the values of avoided emissions by each energy source and the share of renewable energy sources, also for each energy source, are displayed as calculation results. The data are presented separately for the electric power industry and heat power industry. The results are also available in graphical form – in the form of histograms. It is possible to export obtained results to a text document. When calculating according to the second method, only the total value of avoided greenhouse gas emissions is displayed. The total values of avoided greenhouse gas emissions obtained by the universal calculation method are also applied to a graphic image available for downloading. This image can be used to reflect the high level of environmental responsibility of a product manufacturer or service provider, their concern for the environment and the measures taken to prevent increase of global warming rate. The potential effect of wide access for consumers of fuel and energy resources to Avoided Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculator is estimated.


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Keywords: greenhouse gas emissions, energy sector, renewable energy sources, nuclear energy, emissions reduction, calculator
How to Cite
Liubchyk, V. (2023). Energy sector decarbonization: avoided greenhouse gas emissions Сalculator developing. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Ecology, 2. Retrieved from
Industrial and Agricultural Ecology