New approaches to mapping of the demographic ageing in the Republic of Belarus (case study of 3D visualization)
The methodological approaches to mapping of the demographic ageing as a component of the population age structure on the example of the Republic of Belarus are analyzed in the article. Based on the results of the revealed spatial and tem poral trends of demographic ageing in the Republic of Belarus, the necessity of mapping by new methods is justified. It is established that for the depiction of demographic ageing, analytical and synthetic maps are mainly developed, the cartogram is the classical way, innovative way is the volumetric block diagram which created in the electronic environment. Fragments of the author’s 3D model of demographic ageing in the Republic of Belarus are presented in the article. It is determined that
it is required to consistently perform four stages: creation of a three-dimensional model; the production of a relief mold-base; print the card on the plastic; thermovacuum molding of plastic with a card printed on it for its development, and the using of three software products – ArcGIS ArcScene 10.5, Microsoft 3D Builder and Cura. It is concluded that such cartographic visualization was performed for the first time in the Republic of Belarus with reference to demographic processes.
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