Белорусы в Республике Коми
Рассматривается история формирования белорусской диаспоры на территории современной Республики Коми. Отмечено, что первые белорусы жили в этом регионе в 1920-х гг. Показано, как сталинская репрессивная политика привела к высылке в Коми белорусов в 1930-е гг. Выявлено, что в ходе развития промышленности региона изменялась численность белорусов в Коми с 1950-х гг. до 2010 г. Освещена деятельность белорусской национально-культурной автономии в Республике Коми.
- Zherebtsov I. L., Rozhkin E. N. Migratsii i istoricheskie predposylki formirovaniya mnogonatsional’nogo naseleniya Respubliki Komi (do nachala XX veka) [Migrations and historical background of the formation of the multinational population of the Republic of Komi (to the beginning of XX century)]. Syktyvkar : Inst. of lang., lit. and hist. Komi sci. centre Ural branch RAS, 2001 (in Russ.).
- Skvoznikov V. J., Zherebtsov I. L., Fauzer V. V. et al. Naselenie Respubliki Komi; proshloe, nastoyashchee, budushchee (o chem rasskazyvayut perepisi) [The population of the Republic of Komi; past, present, future (what do the census tell us)]. Syktyvkar : State committee on Statistics of the Republic of Komi : Inst. of lang., lit. and hist. Komi sci. cent. Ural. branch : Institute of soc. and leon. and energy probl. of the North Komi sci. centre Ural branch Russ. Acad. of sci., 2001 (in Russ.).
- Beznosova N. P., Vishniakova D. V., Zherebtsov I. L., et al. Etnicheskii faktor v demograficheskom razvitii Respubliki Komi (seredina XIX – nachalo XX veka). Ocherki istorii narodonaseleniya [The ethnic factor in demographic development of the Republic of Komi (mid XIX – beginning of XXI century). Sketches of history of the population]. Syktyvkar : Inst. of lang., lit. and hist. Komi sci. centre Ural branch RAS, 2006. (in Russ.).
- Zherebtsov I. L., Kurochkin M. I. (eds). Svyaz’ vremen [Link of times]. Syktyvkar : Pokayanie, 2000 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. Spetspereselentsy v Respublike Komi v 1930–1950-e gg. [Special settlers in the Republic of Komi in the 1930–1950s]. Syktyvkar : Inst. of lang., lit. and hist. Komi sci. centre Ural branch RAS, 2009 (in Russ.).
- Menkovskiy V. I., Ul’ K., Shabasova M. A. Sovetskii Soyuz 1930-kh godov v angloyazychnoi istoriografii [The Soviet Union of the 1930s in the English historiography]. Syktyvkar : Inst. of lang., lit. and hist., Komi sci. centre Ural branch RAS, 2013 (in Russ.).
- Zherebtsov I. L., Taskaev M. V., Kolegov B. R. Komiretro: 95 let istorii Komi, ot ofitsial’noi do kur’eznoi [Komiretro: 95 years of history of the Komi, from formal to funny]. Syktyvkar : Titul, 2016 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [Special settlers in the Komi Republic in the 1930-1950-s]. In: Etnicheskii faktor v demograficheskom razvitii Respubliki Komi (seredina XIX – nachalo XXI veka). Ocherki istorii narodonaseleniya [The ethnic factor in demographic development of the Republic of Komi (mid XIX – beginning of XXI century). Sketches of history of the population]. Syktyvkar, 2006. P. 121–178 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [Exiles and prisoners in the Republic of Komi in the 1930–1950-s]. In: Etnodemograficheskie protsessy na Severe Evrazii [Ethnic-demographic processes in Northern Eurasia] : collect. of sci. articles : mater. all-Russ. sci. conf. hist. demography. Syktyvkar, 2005. Vol. 3, issue 3. P. 94−103 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [Special settlers in the forest industry of the Komi Republic in the 1930–1950-s]. In: Problema mira segodnya: rol’ Respubliki Komi v ustoichivom razvitii Rossii [The problem of peace today: the role of the Komi Republic in sustainable development of Russia]. Syktyvkar, 1997. P. 75–77 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [Manifestations of protest and the features of totalitarian consciousness of the special settlers in the Komi Republic in the 1930–50-s]. In: Gorizonty lokal’noi istorii Vostochnoi Evropy v XIX–XX vekakh. [Horizons of local history of Eastern Europe in the XIX and XX centuries] : collect. of articles. Cheljabinsk, 2003. P. 230–251 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [«Former kulaks»: a survival strategy in conditions of exile in the 1930-1940]. In: Repressii 1930-kh gg. v Mordovii i ikh posledstviya [Repressions of the 1930s in Mordovia, and their consequences]. Saransk, 2004. P. 126–139 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [The mortality and birthrate of settlers-«former kulaks» in the Northern territory in the 1930s]. Istoricheskaya demografiya [Historical demography]. 2009. No. 2. P. 48–52 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [State policy of special resettlement: General trends and regional peculiarities in the Komi Republic]. In: Politicheskie repressii v Rossii. XX vek [Political repressions in Russia. XX century] : mater. of regional. sci. conf. (Syktyvkar, 7–8 Dec., 2000) Syktyvkar, 2001. P. 63–64 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [National-age characteristics of pupils of schools in special settlements in the Komi autonomous region in the 1930s]. Istoricheskaya demografiya [Historical demography]. 2014. No. 2. P. 15–20 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [Schools and orphanages for children of special settlers in the Republic of Komi in the 1930-s]. In: Sotsial’no-kul’turnye i etnodemograficheskie voprosy istorii Komi (materialy po istorii Komi) [Socio-cultural and ethno-demographic problems of Komi history] : collect. of articles. Syktyvkar, 1997. P. 133–139 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [The special settlements and camps of the Gulag as a factor in the development of the territory in the 1930–50-s]. In: Material’naya i dukhovnaya kul’tura narodov Urala i Povolzh’ya: Istoriya i sovremennost’ [Material and spiritual culture of the peoples of the Urals and Volga region: History and modernity] : mater. regional sci. pract. conf. dedicat. to the 50 th anniversary GSPI. Glazov, 2002. P. 9–10 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [The number of settlers in the Komi Republic in the 1930–1950s]. In: Etnodemograficheskie i etnokul’turnye protsessy na Krainem Severe Evrazii [Ethno-demographic and ethno-cultural processes in Northern Eurasia]. Syktyvkar, 2004. Vol. 1. P. 136–156 (in Russ.).
- Beznosova N. P. [The 1937 census in the Komi Republic: history and documents]. In: Sotsial’no-kul’turnye i etnodemo-graficheskie voprosy istorii Komi: materialy po istorii Komi [Socio-cultural and ethno-demographic problems of Komi history: materials of Komi history]. Syktyvkar, 1997. P. 86–102 (in Russ.).
- Beznosova N. P. [Natural movement of population of the Komi Republic in the 1926–1940-s]. In: Etnodemograficheskie i etnokul’turnye protsessy na Krainem Severe Evrazii [Ethno-demographic and ethno-cultural processes in the Far North of Eurasia] : collect. of articles. Syktyvkar, 2004. P. 111–125 (in Russ.).
- Zherebtsov I. L., Maksimova L. A., Ignatova N. M. et al. Ocherki po istorii politicheskikh repressii v Komi [Sketches on history of political repressions in Komi]. Syktyvkar : Pokayanie, 2006 (in Russ.).
- Zherebtsova I. I. [Yakov Moroz heading the economic activity of Ukhtpechlag]. In: Vklad repressirovannykh v osvoenie evropeiskogo Severa Rossii i Priural’ya [The contribution of the repressed in development of the European North of Russia and Pre-Urals] : mater. regional. sci. simp. (Syktyvkar, 19 Oct., 2004). Syktyvkar, 2004. P. 164–171 (in Russ.).
- Zherebtsova I. I. [On the psychological portrait of Yakov Moroz]. In: Ot Vorkuty do Syktyvkara [From Vorkuta to Syktyvkar] : collect. of articles. In 4 vols. Syktyvkar, 2003. Vol. 1. P. 285–289 (in Russ.).
- Berdinskikh V. A., Menkovskiy V. I. GULAG: ideologiya i ekonomika podnevol’nogo truda v XX veke [GULAG: ideology and economy of forced labour in the XX century]. Syktyvkar : Inst. of lang., lit. and hist. Komi sci. centre Ural branch RAS, 2017 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [Control system of special settlements and control over the settlers in the 1930–50-s]. In: Politicheskie, ekonomicheskie i sotsiokul’turnye aspekty regional’nogo upravleniya na Evropeiskom Severe [Political, economic and sociocultural aspects of regional management in the European North] : mater. All-Russ. sci.-theor. conf. (Syktyvkar, 19–20 Novemb., 2001) Syktyvkar, 2001. P. 192–196 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. Social and spiritual protest of specials settlers in the European North in the 1930–50s: problem setting and sources interpretation. Vestnik Pomorskogo univ. Ser. Gum. Soc. nauki [Bull. Pomorie univ. Hum. Soc. sci.]. 2006. No. 1 (9). P. 5–13 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [Features of accounting of the number of settlers in the Komi Republic in the 1930-50s]. Vestnik Chelyabinskogo univ. Istoriya [Bull. Chelyabinsk univ. History]. 2008. Vol. 28, No. 35. P. 42–53 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [Influence of forced migrations on social-demographic situation in the Republic of Komi]. Istoricheskaya demografiya [Historical demography]. 2013. No. 2 (12). P. 41–44 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [The implementation of policy of special resettlement and changes in the composition and number of settlers in the mid-1930s – 1950s]. In: Pokayanie. Komi respublikanskii martirol. zhertv massovykh represii [Repentance. Komi republican martyrology victims of mass political repressions] : in 8 vol. Syktyvkar, 2001. Vol. 4, issue 2. P. 19–30 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [Features of the accounting of the evacuated citizens and evacuated labour migrants in the Komi Republic in 1941–1945]. Istoricheskaya demografiya [Historical demography]. 2013. No. 1 (11). P. 49–55 (in Russ.).
- Ignatova N. M. [Number of special settlers in the Komi Republic in the 1950s (according to the archives)]. Istoricheskaya demografiya [Historical demography]. 2008. No. 1. P. 65–70 (in Russ.).
- Berdinskikh V. A., Menkovskiy V. I., Zherebtsov I. L. GULAG: ideology and economy of forced labour in the XX century. Banska Bystrica : Bellianum, 2017.
- Chuprov V. I., Zherebtsov I. L., Matsuk M. A. et al. Istoriya Komi s drevneishikh vremen do kontsa XX veka [History of Komi since the most ancient times till the end of XX century] : in 2 vols. Syktyvkar : Komi book publ. house, 2004. Vol. 2 (in Russ.).
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- Turubanov A. N., Zherebtsov I. L., Cuprov V. I., et al. Istoriya Komi s drevneishikh vremen do sovremennosti [History of Komi since ancient to modern times]. 2 nd ed : in 2 vols. Syktyvkar Inst. of lang. lit. and hist. Komi sci. centre Ural branch RAS, 2011. Vol. 2 (in Russ.).
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- Zherebtsov I. L., Fauzer V. V. Demograficheskie protsessy v Komi v XX veke [Demographic processes in Komi in XX century]. Syktyvkar, 2000 (in Russ.).
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- Zherebtsov I. L., Beznova N. P., Vishnyakova D. V. et al. Ot pervobytnykh stoyanok – k gorodam. Ocherki zaseleniya Respubliki Komi s drevneishikh vremen do kontsa KhKh veka [From primitive camp-sites – to towns. Sketches on history of settling of the Republic of Komi since the most ancient times till the end of XX century] : Inst. of lang., lit. and hist. Komi sci. centre Ural branch RAS. Syktyvkar, 2014 (in Russ.).
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