Шупляк – историк-германист
Анализируется научное творчество профессора кафедры истории нового и новейшего времени исторического факультета Белорусского государственного университета П. А. Шупляка. Рассмотрены место и роль ученого в развитии белорусской историографии новейшей истории Германии. Дана характеристика эволюции научных взглядов исследователя в области истории внешней политики Германии, ее рабочего, революционного и профсоюзного движения в 1920–30-х гг., а также в области истории Веймарской республики и деятельности немецких политических партий.
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- Shuplyak PA. [CPG RPO and led the strike struggle of the working class in Germany in 1932 year]. In: Shneerson LM, Grigor’ev VS, editors. Voprosy istorii: sbornik statei [Questions of history: a collection of articles]. Minsk: BSU; 1974. p. 116–127. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [The revolutionary trade union opposition and the struggle of the German working class against the offensive of the monopolies in 1930–1931]. In: Fricke D, Schneerson LM, editors. Iz istorii germanskogo rabochego dvizheniya i sovetsko-germanskogo internatsional’nogo sotrudnichestva: sbornik statei [From the history of the German workers’ movement and Soviet-German international cooperation: collection of articles]. Minsk: BSU; 1975. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [The situation and struggle of unemployed Germany during the world economic crisis of 1929–1932]. Vestnik Belorusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. V. I. Lenina [Bulletin of Belarusian State University named from V. I. Lenin. Seria 3]. 1976:19–24. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. RGO und der Kampf der deutschen Arbeiterklasse in 1930–1931. Wissenschaftliches Journal der Universität Jena. F. F. Schiller Jena. 1976;6. German.
- Shuplyak PA. [Book review: Lendorf S. How did it come to RPO? Frankfurt am Main (in German)]. Vestnik Belorusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. V. I. Lenina. Seriya 3 [Bulletin of Belarusian State University named from V. I. Lenin. Seria 3]. 1978;1. Russian.
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- Shuplyak PA. [Extraordinary legislation of the government of H. Brüning in Germany and the position of Christian unions]. Vestnik Belorusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. V. I. Lenina. Seriya 3 [Bulletin of Belarusian State University named from V. I. Lenin. Seria 3]. 1979;2:23–27. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [The state coup of July 20, 1932 in Prussia and the position of the German trade unions]. Voprosy istorii [Question of history]. 1979;6:62–72. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [Presidential elections in 1932 in Germany and the position of trade unions]. Vestnik Belorusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. V. I. Lenina. Seriya 3 [Bulletin of Belarusian State University named from V. I. Lenin. Seria 3]. 1983;2:22–24. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [German trade unions on the eve of the establishment of the fascist dictatorship in the country (December 1932–January 1933)]. Voprosy istorii [Question of history]. 1983;10:67–74. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [The position of the German trade unions in the period of the Kuppov putsch] Vestnik Belorusskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im. V. I. Lenina. Seriya 3 [Bulletin of Belarusian State University named from V. I. Lenin. Seria 3]. 1986;3:27–30. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [Problems of historical education in the universities of the Republic of Belarus]. In: Ivanchanka AL, editor. Gistarychnaja navuka i gistarychnaja adukacyja w Rjespublicy Belarus’ (novyja kancjepcyi i padyhody): tjezisy dakladaw i pavedamlennjaw Usebelaruskaj kanferjencyi gistorykaw; 3–5 ljutaga 1993 g.; Minsk, Belarus’ [Historical science and historical education in the Republic of Belarus (new concepts and approaches): Historical science and historical education in the Republic of Belarus (new concepts and approaches). Part 2: World history thesis of reports and communications all-Belarusian conference historians. 1993 February 3–5; Minsk, Belarus]. Minsk: BSU; 1993. p. 3–6. Belarusian.
- Shuplyak PA. [Trade unions of Weimar Germany: political concepts and political struggle]. In: Kazakov YA, editor. Gistarychnaja navuka w Beldzjarzhuniversitjece na rubjazhy tysjachagoddzjaw. Matjeryjaly Rjespublikanskaj navukova-praktychnaj kanferjencyi, prysvechannaj 65-goddzju gistarychnaga fakul’tjeta BDU; 26 listapada 1999 g.; Minsk, Belarus’ [Historical science in the Belarusian State University at the turn of the Millennium. Proceedings of the republican sciences-praktical conference, pimple. 65 th anniversary of the history faculty BSU. 1999 November 26; Minsk, Belarus]. Minsk: BSU; 2000. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. German Trade Unions and the Ruhr Crisis of 1923. In: Yanovskii AA, editor. Vybranyja navukovyja pracy Belaruskaga dzjarzhawnaga wniversitjeta. Tom 2. Gistoryja. Filalogija. Zhurnalistyka [Selected scientific works of the Belarusian state University. Volume 2: History. Philology. Journalism]. Minsk: BSU; 2001. p. 185–193. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [The role of trade unions in the implementation of the policy of passive resistance in Germany in 1923]. In: Kosmach VA, editor. Materialy XIV nauchnoi sessii prepodavatelei i studentov: sbornik dokladov [Proceedings of XIV scientific session of teachers and students: a collection of papers]. Vitebsk: MITSO; 2011. p. 38–39. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [Political positions and political activities of German trade unions in the period of the Weimar Republic]. In: Cherepanov VL, editor. Veimarskaya Respublika: istoriya, istoriografiya, istochnikovedenie. Mezhvuzovskii sbornik nauchnykh tudov [Weimar Republic: history, historiography, source studies: interuniversity collection of scientific papers]. Ivanovo: IvSU; 2011. p. 177–197. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [The political activity of German trade unions during the post-war crisis (1919–1923)]. In: Aktual’nye problemy istorii Novogo i Noveishego vremeni (k 100-letiyu professora L. M. Shneersona. Mezhdunarodnaya nauchno-teoreticheskaya konferentsiya; 25 fevralya 2011 g.; Minsk, Belarus’ [Actual problems of history of New and Modern time (to the 100th anniversary of professor L. M. Shneerson). International scientifical-theoretican conference. 2011 February 25; Minsk, Belarus]. Minsk: RIVSH; 2012. p. 220–229. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [German trade unions against Papin’s government (June-November 1932)]. In: Tugai VV, Zhitko AP, Kosmach GA, Zabavskii NN, Liutyii AN et al., editors. Evropa: aktual’nye problemy etnokul’tury. Materialy VII Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-teoreticheskoi konferentsii; 21 yanvarya 2014 g.; Minsk, Belarus’ [Europe: current issues of ethnoculture: materials of VII International scientifical- theoretical conference. 2014 January 21; Minsk, Belarus]. Minsk: BSPU; 2014. p. 61–63. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [Free-national trade unions in the socio-political structure of Weimar Germany]. In: Kosmach AV, head editor. Germanskii i slavyanskii miry: vzaimovliyanie, konflikty, dialog kul’tur (istoriya, uroki, opyt, sovremennost’). Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-teoreticheskoi konferentsii; 6–8 dekabrya 2001 g.; Vitebsk, Belarus’ [Germanic and Slavic worlds: interaction, conflict, dialogue of cultures (history, lessons, experience, present): materials of International scientific-theoretical conference. 2001 December 6–8; Vitebsk, Belarus]. Vitebsk: Vitebsk State University; 2001. p. 106–108. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [German trade unions during the formation of the Weimar Republic]. In: Korshuk UK, editor. Pracy gistarychnaga fakul’tjeta BDU: navukovy zbornik . Vypusk 1 [Work of historical faculty of BSU: Sciences collection. Volume 1]. Minsk: BSU; 2006. p. 143–152. Belarusian.
- Shuplyak PA. [Trade unions in the political system of the Weimar Republic in Germany]. In: Korshuk UK, editor. Pracy gistarychnaga fakul’tjeta BDU: navukovy zbornik. Vypusk 5 [Work of historical faculty of BSU: Sciences. Collection. Volume 5]. Minsk: BSU; 2010. p. 237–254. Belarusian.
- Shuplyak PA. [The position of the German trade unions in relation to the Versailles Peace Treaty]. In: Bogush VA, Danil’chenko AV, Romanyuk SI, Ganushchenko NN, Khodin SN et al., editors. Pervaya mirovaya voina v istoricheskikh sud’bakh Evropy: sbornik materialov Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii; 18 oktyabrya 2014 g.; Vileika, Belarus’ [The first world war in the historical destiny of Europe: proceedings of the international scientific conference. 2014 October 18; Vileika, Belarus]. Minsk: Publishing house of BSU; 2014. p. 374–382. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [German Trade Unions in the Conditions of the November Revolution]. In: Tugay VV, editor. Evropa: aktual’nye problemy etnokul’tury: materialy III Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-teoreticheskoi konferentsii; 28 aprelya 2010 g.; Minsk, Belarus’ [Europe: current issues of ethnoculture: materials of III International scientifical-theoretical conference. 2010 April 28; Minsk, Belarus]. Minsk: BSPU; 2010. p. 104–107. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [The policy of German trade unions during the November Revolution]. In: Kosmach VA, Kostyreva SS, Starodynova SM, Goryaneva SM, Katashuk DV, et al, editors. Aktual’nye problemy v izuchenii i prepodavanii obshchestvenno-gumanitarnykh nauk (distsiplin): materialy I Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii; 2–3 dekabrya 2010 g.; Vitebsk, Belarus’ [Actual problems in the study and teaching of social sciences and humanities (disciplines): materials of the I (First) International scientific conference. 2010 December 2–3; Vitebsk, Belarus]. Vitebsk: Mezhdunarodnyi institut trudovykh i sotsial’nykh otnoshenii; 2010. p. 95–97. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [Free trade unions and SPD: partnership and rivalry in the period of the Weimar Republic]. In: Kosmach VA, Kostyreva SS, Starodynova SM, Goryaneva SM, Katashuk DV, et al., editors. Aktual’nye problemy v izuchenii i prepodavanii obshchestvenno-gumanitarnykh nauk (distsiplin): sbornik nauchnykh statei i materialov po itogam III Mezhdunarodnoi nauchnoi konferentsii; 30 noyabrya – 1 dekabrya 2012 g.; Vitebsk, Belarus’ [Actual problems in the study and teaching of social sciences and humanities (disciplines): a collection of articles and materials on the results of III (Third) international scientific conference. 2012 November 30 – December 1; Vitebsk, Belarus]. Vitebsk: MITSO, 2012. p. 157–160. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [German trade unions as a factor of political life in the period of the Weimar Republic]. In: Wierzbienca W, redaktor. Polska, Europa, swiat XX wieku. Rzeszow: Wydatstwo Uniwersytety Rzeszowskiego; 2005. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. German Social-Democracy in the development of the condition postkonservativnogo [cited 2018 March 23]. In: XXI century: actual problems of historical science: Proceedings of the international and teach. conference. Available from: https: //hist.bsu.by/nauka/konferentsii/187-2011-02-17-11-33-07/materialy-konferentsij/xxi-vek/584-german-skaya-sotsial-demokratiya-v-usloviyakh-postkonservativnogo-razvitiya.html. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [German Social Democracy in the 1998 elections (The concept of the «new center»)]. In: Korshuk UK, editor. Pracy gistarychnaga fakul’tjeta BDU: navukovy zbornik. Vypusk 3 [Work of historical faculty of BSU: sciences collection. Volume 3]. Minsk: BSU; 2008. p. 108–111. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [Reforms of G. Schroeder in the Federal Republic of Germany: Causes and Consequences]. In: Korshuk UK, editor. Pracy gistarychnaga fakul’tjeta BDU: navukovy zbornik. Vypusk 4. [Work of historical faculty of BSU: sciences collection. Volume 4]. Minsk: BSU; 2009. p. 147–155. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [Features of the transformation of the approaches of the right and left parties of Western countries to the state regulation of socio-economic life in the late 1990s and early 2000s]. In: Koshelev VS, editor. Obshchestvo, gosudarstvo i religii v sovremennom mire. Materialy kruglogo stola kafedry istorii novogo i noveishego vremeni BGU; 28 maya 2014 g.; Minsk, Belarus’ [Society, state and religion in the modern world: materials of the round table of the department of history of new and modern times of BSU. 2011 May 28; Minsk, Belarus]. Minsk: RIVSH; 2014. p. 6–14. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [Traditionalist and modernist tendencies in the policy of Western European social democracy in the late XX – early XXI century]. In: Tugai VV, Zhitko AP, Kosmach GA, Zabavskii NM, Lyutyi AM et al., editors. Evropa: aktual’nye problemy etnokul’tury: materialy VIII Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-teoreticheskoi konferentsii; 22 dekabrya 2014 g.; Minsk, Belarus’. [Europe: current issues of ethnoculture: materials of VIII International scientifical-theoretical conference. 2014 December 22; Minsk, Belarus]. Minsk: BSPU; 2015. p. 90–92. Russian.
- Shuplyak PA. [Social reforms of the governments of the «red-green» coalition in Germany] In: Kasovich AV, Shuplyak SP, Korzyuk AA, Velikii AF, editors. Evropa: aktual’nye problemy etnokul’tury: materialy IX Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-teoreticheskoi konferentsii; 10–11 noyabrya 2016; Minsk, Belarus [Europe: current issues of ethnoculture: materials of IX International scientifical-theoretical conference. 2016 November 10–11; Minsk, Belarus]. Minsk: RIVSH; 2016. p. 174–176. Russian.
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