The European Public Prosecutor’s Office – the protecion of the EU’s financial interests as a supranational integration project

  • Werner Miguel Kühn Court of Justice of the European Union, 1 Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald, Luxembourg 2925, Luxembourg


This article presents an overview of the competencies of the recently established European Public Prosecutor’s Office (EPPO), a supranational body that investigates and prosecutes criminal offences affecting the financial interests of the European Union. Various aspects related to criminal procedure and substantive criminal law will be discussed to explain how the EPPO is embedded in the national judicial systems despite its supranational origin. Among the matters to be examined will be the requirement to prosecute crime efficiently while ensuring that the procedural rights of the suspects and the accused persons will be duly respected. A particular focus will be on cooperation with the other EU entities and national authorities both in the member states as well as in third countries. This article provides elements to help readers assess the EPPO’s performance against the legislative objectives set by the EU.

Author Biography

Werner Miguel Kühn, Court of Justice of the European Union, 1 Rue du Fort Niedergrünewald, Luxembourg 2925, Luxembourg

doctor of law, legal advisor


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Keywords: European Union, European Public Prosecutor, international cooperation, financial interests, law enforcement, criminal procedure, fundamental rights, rule of law
How to Cite
Kühn, W. M. (2023). The European Public Prosecutor’s Office – the protecion of the EU’s financial interests as a supranational integration project. Journal of the Belarusian State University. International Relations, 1, 71-95. Retrieved from