Эволюция белорусско-польских отношений на современном этапе: поиск баланса интересов
В представленной публикации анализируется развитие белорусско-польских отношений на протяжении периода после распада СССР. Делается вывод о том, что, несмотря на географическое соседство двух стран, их культурную и историческую близость, сотрудничество Минска и Варшавы не соответствовало имеющемуся потенциалу. Причиной тому являлись политические разногласия, следствием которых стали перепады в двухстороннем взаимодействии, частые конфликты на межгосударственном уровне. Автор пытается выяснить основные причины невысокой
эффективности двусторонних связей, дать оценку влияния внешних факторов на политику Минска и Варшавы.
- Treaty Between the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Poland on Good-neighbourliness and Friendly Cooperation. URL: http://naviny.org/1992/06/23/by76994.html (date of access: 02.04.2016) (in Russ.).
- Kravchenko P. K. Belarus at the turn: a diplomatic breakthrough in the world: speeches, articles, interviews, talks, diplomatic documents and correspondence. Minsk, 2009 (in Russ.).
- Kravchenko P. K. Belarus at the crossroads, or the Truth about Bialowieza Agreement. Notes of a diplomat and politician. Moscow, 2006 (in Russ.).
- Tihomirov A. V. Belarus’s relations with the neighbouring countries of Central and Eastern Europe (Poland, Lithuania, Latvia) in 1991–2001. URL: http://elib.org.ua/belarus/ua_readme.php (date of access: 02.12.2016) (in Russ.).
- Shadurski V. Belarusian multi-vector foreign policy principle. Problems of foreign and security policy: Belarus – Poland: history and prospects of cooperation. Minsk, 2009. P. 37–46 (in Russ.).
- “MFA is looking towards the East” – Deputy Minister Marek Zulkowski]. URL: http://www.minsk.msz.gov.pl/be/aktualnosci/0mmz (date of access: 22.02.2017) (in Russ.).
- Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the Republic of Poland on the border traffic rules. URL: http://www.pravo.by/pdf/2010-300/2010-300%28011-046%29.pdf (date of access: 22.02.2016) (in Russ.).
- Smirnov A. Belarusian experts: visit to Belarus of the Foreign Ministers of Germany and Poland – a clear message from Europe. URL: http://www.dw.com/ru/белорусские-эксперты-визит-в-беларусь-министров-иностранных-дел-германии-и-польши-четкий-месседж-европы/a-6183242 (date of access: 22.02.2015.) (in Russ.).
- Tikhomirov A. Poland for Belarus – favorite enemy. URL: http://naviny.by/rubrics/politic/2012/03/24/ic_articles_112_177284 (date of access: 22.01.2017) (in Russ.).
- On the Working Visit of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus Vladimir Makei to Poland. URL: https://mfa.gov.by/press/news_mfa/c98b97974b5ab904.html (date of access: 22.02.2017) (in Russ.).
- Transcript of an interview with the Minister of Foreign Affairs V. Makei to Polish newspaper “Rzeczpos polita” (9 October, 2016, Warsaw). URL: http://mfa.gov.by/press/smi/b0e4aa770383c1d1.html (date of access: 22.12.2016) (in Russ.).
- Matveev V. Lukashenko hopes for an active dialogue between Belarus and Poland. URL: http://www.belta.by/president/view/lukashenko-rasschityvaet-na-nachalo-samogo-aktivnogo-dialoga-mezhdu-belarusjju-i-polshej-222160-2016/ (date of access: 14.12.2016) (in Russ.).
- Mikhalchuk L. Polish Embassy: visas will become more accessible. URL: http://www.belrynok.by/ru/page/society/2676/ (date of access: 22.02.2017) (in Russ.).
- Economic cooperation. URL: http://poland.mfa.gov.by/be/bilateral_relations/trade_economic/ (date of access: 22.12.2016) (in Russ.).
- Shevtsov Y. United Nation. Belarus Phenomenon.Moscow, 2005 (in Russ.).
- Drakokhrust Yu. Is there a reason for Belarusians to watch out for Poland?. URL: http://www.svaboda.org/a/28220188.html (date of access: 22.02.2017) (in Russ.).
- Tourist visa in Grodno: Some Poles perceive Belarus as a North Korea. URL: http://www.belaruspartisan.org/life/362156/ (date of access: 22.12.2016) (in Russ.).
- Leszek Sherepka: “We do not want to deprive Belarusians of their national consciousness”. URL: http://nn.by/?c=ar&i=184429&lang=ru (date of access: 22.02.2017) (in Russ.).
- Minister Witold Waszczykowski on Polish diplomacy priorities in 2017. URL: http://www.msz.gov.pl/en/news/minister_witold_waszczykowski_on_polish_diplomacy_priorities_in_2017 (date of access: 22.02.2017).
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