Social and legal factors that determine the need for criminal protection of the relationship of adoption


On the basis of the analysis of opinions of scientists the necessity of scientific substantiation of the factors causing criminal-legal protection of relations of adoption is confirmed. A historical and comparative legal study of the legislation of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries is carried out. The author proves the need of society in criminal-legal means ensuring non-disclosure of the secret of adoption, and guarantees of social protection of the adoptive family and the child from socially dangerous encroachments on the relationship of adoption. The causal complex associated with pedagogical and ideological education, inculcation of family values and law-abiding behavior is described.

Author Biography

Lyudmila O. Sherayzina, Brest State A. S. Pushkin University, 21 Kasmanaŭtaŭ Boulevard, Brest 224025, Belarus

senior lecturer at the department of civil law, head of the educational laboratory «Legal clinic»


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Keywords: adoption, secret of adoption, illegal actions on adoption, interests of the child, criminal responsibility, criminological conditionality
Supporting Agencies The author expresses gratitude to the Main Information аnd Analytical Center of the Ministry of education of the Republic of Belarus for the provided statistical material.
How to Cite
Sherayzina, L. O. (2020). Social and legal factors that determine the need for criminal protection of the relationship of adoption. Journal of the Belarusian State University. Law, 2, 85-91. Retrieved from
Сriminal Law, Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics