Performance assessment algorithm of the pre­service teacher’s readiness for pedagogical creativity

  • Irina A. Bartoshevich Baranаvichi State University, 21 Voikava Street, Baranаvichi 225404, Belarus


The article considers the performance assessment algorithm of the pre­service teacher’s readiness for pedagogical creativity that represents continuous step­by­step assessment of motivational, cognitive, communicative and personal components in the process of solving educational tasks. The conclusion on the expediency of the performance assessment application in the system of continuing education is made.

Author Biography

Irina A. Bartoshevich, Baranаvichi State University, 21 Voikava Street, Baranаvichi 225404, Belarus

senior lecturer at the department of theory and practice of Germanic languages, faculty of linguistics



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Keywords: performance assessment, pre­service teacher’s readiness for pedagogical creativity, algorithm, continuing education
Methodics and Modern Educational Technologies