Development of pedagogical reflection in the process of increasing the qualification of teachers of higher medical school

  • Inna S. Shakarova Russian University of Medicine, 20 Delegatskaya Street, 1 building, Moscow 127473, Russia; Institute of Educational Development Strategy, Russian Academy of Education, 5/16 Makarenko Street, 1b building, Moscow 105062, Russia


The article presents an analysis of scientific research devoted to improving the competence of teachers of educational institutions of higher medical education. The approaches to the organisation of professional development of the teaching staff, which contribute to the formation of pedagogical reflection, are considered. Such forms of events as master classes, public readings, practice­oriented events with the solution of situational tasks are characterised. It is determined that the formation of pedagogical reflection operations is facilitated by the dialogical form of solving situational problems (case technology) and constructive communication on professional topics. It is revealed that the creation of pedagogical communities stimulates the development of pedagogical reflection and contribute to the more effective development of educational programmes for increasing the qualification.

Author Biography

Inna S. Shakarova, Russian University of Medicine, 20 Delegatskaya Street, 1 building, Moscow 127473, Russia; Institute of Educational Development Strategy, Russian Academy of Education, 5/16 Makarenko Street, 1b building, Moscow 105062, Russia

head of the educational unit for additional professional education at the department of orthopedic dentistry and gnathology, Russian University of Medicine, and competitor of the laboratory of theoretical pedagogy and philosophy of education, Institute of Educational Development Strategy, Russian Academy of Education



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Keywords: pedagogical reflection, professional development, teachers of the higher medical school, events, pedagogical community, professional competence
Methodics and Modern Educational Technologies