Diagnostic tools for assessing the formation of professional competence of a foreign language teacher

  • Liliya A. Silkovich Minsk State Linguistic University, 21 Zacharava Street, Minsk 220030, Belarus


The article defines the starting points for the development of diagnostic tools to identify the level of formation of professional competence of a future foreign language teacher in the process of experimental learning. The leading characteristics, tasks, functions of the toolkit as a complex of diagnostic and evaluation tools for an integrated procedure for assessing the components of professional competence, fixing the presence or absence of a relationship between them as evidence of students’ readiness for professional and pedagogical activities in teaching students a foreign language and culture are considered.

Author Biography

Liliya A. Silkovich, Minsk State Linguistic University, 21 Zacharava Street, Minsk 220030, Belarus

PhD (pedagogy), docent; professor at the department of linguodidactics and teaching foreign languages methods


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Keywords: diagnostic tools, professional competence, foreign language teacher, criteria, indicators, levels, control and evaluation tasks
Methodics and Modern Educational Technologies